58 - Seven Potters

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I clutched tight to my trunk as the stretching feeling resided, and the lights of the Burrow could be seen in the distance. I followed the brothers inside, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were grateful to see us but a bit confused to see our full trunks. "Are the three of you staying?" Mr. Weasley questioned as his wife gave each of us a tight hug, as if she hadn't seen us only a week prior.

"There was a bit of an incident." George sighed, glancing over at me.

I nervously chewed on the inside of my cheek as we gathered around in the sitting room. Mrs. Weasley brought in a bit of tea for us before sitting beside her husband. "What happened?" He cocked a brow as he took a sip of his drink.

"From what we understand, You-Know-Who has a team of Death Eaters gathering those they consider having un-pure blood and blood traitors to be brought to him to be tortured..." George paused to take a deep, shaky breath. "And most likely killed."

Mr. Weasley leaned forward in his chair, his lips pressed in a thin line. "How did you find this out?"

"Fenrir Greyback and a few of his friends got a hold of Leah for a minute this morning." George ran a hand over his face in frustration.

Mrs. Weasley gasped, clasping her hands even tighter around her tea cup. "You poor, poor dear."

"They didn't hurt me. I'm fine." I assured her with a slight smile.

"They didn't hurt you yet." Mr. Weasley sighed, leaning back. "He's taking more and more control with Dumbledore gone...his followers are getting bold. It's imperative that you stay safe and take this more seriously—all three of you. I'll have to tell Kingsley, Lupin, and Alastor about this when they arrive..."

I had almost forgotten what tonight was. Tonight would be the night we would be moving Harry Potter to the safety of the Burrow. I had missed the impromptu meeting the night of Dumbledore's death in which they finalized how they would be getting Harry back to a safe house from the Dursley's. With Dumbledore gone, they had wanted to be sure they knew the plan before sending Harry away for the summer. Fred and George had filled me in after the funeral though. Six members of the Order would be taking Polyjuice Potion to disguise themselves as Harry, each flying with different methods and accompanied by another member as a protector. They'd be flying to seven different safe houses before taking a Portkey back to the Burrow. I didn't get too many details beyond that but the thought of it already had my guts churning. I was nervous to face Death Eaters on foot, but facing them in the air would be a whole different fear.

Mrs. Weasley was already anxiously baking pies she claimed were simply to greet Harry when he comes back safe and sound. Though I knew she was just anticipating the dangerous mission that nearly all of her loved ones would be involved in.

"Hello, Leah." Ginny smiled from where she was sat on the landing of the stairs, peering between the slats of the banister. She padded down the stairs to join me on the couch as we waited for everyone to arrive. Fred and George were talking to their father quietly at the kitchen table. Mrs. Weasley had moved on to busying herself with arranging biscuits on a platter for the incoming guests, though they surely wouldn't be coming in for tea with the severity of the mission.

"It's scary isn't it?" Ginny spoke up again, not looking up from the deck of cards she was shuffling in her hands.

I nodded, taking the randomly assigned seven cards she offered out to me. I already knew where she was going with this as she spread out the remaining deck into a "pond." I was the one who had first introduced her to the Muggle game Go Fish, and it was one we used to play constantly as kids. The boys were never truly interested if the cards didn't explode, but Ginny and I always had fun. "It's especially scary flying like that. I can't imagine what it'll be like if we have to fight someone off mid-air." I shook my head before asking if she had any twos.

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