31 - Maze

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"Alright. Now this is our last chance to rake in a few more bets." Fred instructed George and I as we walked down the hill to the now modified Quidditch pitch. "And the stakes are higher than ever." He gave a pointed look to his brother.

George whistled when a giant maze of hedges came into view. The walls were incredibly tall and the maze was expansive. The green brambles twisted together to conceal Godric knows what perils. It would take hours for them to get through. "That is one big maze."

"It's probably charmed and pretty difficult to get through." I hummed. "But personally I'll take that over the deadly fire-breathing dragons."

"Focus, focus." Fred snapped his fingers in front of my face and turned so his back was to the stands, handing George his bookie box. "We've gotta start now or we'll miss everyone. The Slytherins are the good money...so Leah direct your attention to them."

"Hello, kids!" Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory approached from behind Fred. Ginny was already beside her father with a smirk on her face.

"Dad!" Fred smiled, attempting to hide the bookie boxes behind his back.

"Trying to collect a few bets on the competition?" Mr. Weasley rolled his eyes with a slight grin.

"I hope you're betting on the right man." Mr. Diggory's eyes shown with pride before he turned to me. "How are you, dear?"

"I'm doing well, sir. Thank you." I smiled back at the chipper man.

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you for being such a great friend to my boy. He's told me how you've helped him with every task...the second one more than you intended."

"He'd do the same for me." I grinned.

He laughed, his eyes crinkling in a way similar to what I had seen on his son over the years. "I'm sure he would."

We all began to walk down to the stands and await the champions arrival. Mr. Weasley walked beside George with a slight smile on his lips. "Your sister's told me something very interesting."

I think I know where this is about to go. "Ginny, you nosey little rat!" George groaned.

"I'm happy for you, son. We all knew it but the two of you." He laughed, clapping his son on the back. "And just wait till your mother hears..." Fred and Ginny were snickering behind us.

"Remind me to put a Dungbomb under her bed later." He whispered to me as we approached the pitch.

The champions were waiting towards the entrance, the four of them shaking themselves to warm up. I tapped George to silently let him know I was going to go talk to Cedric and he nodded. I'm glad he's at least outwardly over this jealously thing.

"Hey, Ced!" I smiled, jogging up to him and giving him a bone crushing hug. He lifted me off my feet slightly, a throaty laugh escaping.

He was clearly nervous, chewing on the inside of his cheek. "Hey there, Hadleigh."

"Next time I see you you better be a Tri-Wizard Cup Winner." I smirked as I tried to lighten the mood.

"No pressure there." He laughed and shook his head. His curls had fallen over his face, his hair unkempt from nervously running his hand through it. He looked a bit more queasy than he had before the other two tasks, but that's as to be expected when you're heading into the final task tied for first place. I could hear the cheery voice of Mr. Diggory as his dad made his way over.

"But seriously, good luck. I'll see you in a little bit, okay?" I wrapped my arms tight around his middle and he squeezed back with equal strength, holding me in a comforting embrace. I gave him one last smile before waving and heading inside the entrance.

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