54 - The Guard

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I woke with a gasping moan, my fingers instinctively traveling down to thread his red hair between them. I pulled the sheets back, bringing his face to mine and pressing a kiss to his lips. His elbows supported himself on either side of my waist, a goofy grin spread across his face. "Is this your way of apologizing for leaving me all day today?"

"I thought it would at least begin to make up for it." He teased, moving further up so he could press slow kisses down my neck. A hand grazed the skin of my exposed abdomen, lightly tracing up my stomach and pulling his shirt, that I had claimed as mine, up with it. He dragged a calloused thumb over my nipple before softly kneading my breast.

A gasp escaped my lips, soon muffled by his kiss. "You know I think you just might make up for it." I teased back, my nails lightly dragging down his bare back. He shuddered under my touch, rocking his hips against my core. The friction of the thin layer of pajama pants separating us had us both moaning as he softly rubbed himself against me. "George." I panted. "Want you inside of me."

He groaned at my words, burying his face in the crook of my neck before pulling back so he was hovering above me. He pulled down his pajama bottoms, hard cock hitting my inner thigh before he was teasing my folds, still soaked from the way he had woken me this morning. His hips pushed forward, allowing him to slowly sink into me. "Holy fuck." He moaned as he gave me a second to adjust before pulling himself halfway out, and pushing back in. The slow movements of his hips had me falling apart in minutes, his cock brushing against my G-spot with every thrust.

My fingers wrapped around the hair at the nape of his neck, tugging lightly. He groaned in response, nipping at the soft patch of skin just below my ear. I clenched around him, rocking my hips up to meet his thrusts. "God—Leah—I love you so much."

"I love you." I echoed, bringing his lips down to mine as I felt my high closely approaching. With one more deep thrust, I was moaning his name as I came around his cock. I trembled from the slight overstimulation as he released into me before collapsing onto my chest with a huff.

"Oof!" I groaned, still panting slightly. "George I can't support your—fat—ass." I could feel him smiling against my neck as I struggled to push him off of me.

"What's the magic word?" He drawled, letting even more of his weight rest on me—if that was possible.

"Avada Ked—"

"Merlin, Leah." George jumped off of me with a laugh, rolling to the side and pulling his pants up in the process. "A little harsh don't you think?"

"Maybe, a little." I pressed a chaste kiss to the tip of his nose.

He turned to look over his shoulder at the small clock on his bedside cabinet, jolting up when he read the time. "Fred's going to kill me if we're late...especially if he figures out the reason we're going to be late." He mumbled, frantically searching through his drawers for a pair of boxers.

I watched with amusement as he hurriedly got ready. "So who exactly are you meeting this time?" I stretched my arms above my head.

"The owner of that joke shop in Kenmare." He sighed, buttoning up his dress shirt. "We're hoping to convince him to stock a few of our products in all of his shops."

"Wow...I didn't realize you'd be traveling that far." I muttered under my breath. "When do you think you'll be back?"

"Shouldn't take us more than a day." He looped his tie over his neck. "We'll be home tonight...maybe a little late though."

I nodded in response, standing to pull a pair of sweatpants up my legs. I followed George out of the room as he rushed into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Fred was already leaning back against the counter in the kitchen, shaking his head as he sipped on a cup of coffee.

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