35 - Umbridge-itis

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"Our last year. Would ya believe it." George tutted as the horseless carriage carried us towards the familiar castle.

"Last year to test out all of our newest products." Fred looked across me so he could grin at his brother.

"Last year to win the Quidditch Cup." George added.

My stomach was in knots as we approached. I can't shake the feeling that something wicked will happen this year. But maybe it's just Mr. Weasley's warning getting in my head. Or maybe it's the thought that this is my last year of school until I have to join the real world. I wish I could have as cavalier an attitude about the new year as these boys do.

We quickly put away our things and made it back to the Great Hall. At least the feast is the same. The table was covered in food, carefully made by the Hogwart's house elves. We dug in, Fred and George going straight for the desserts as usual. That hasn't changed since first year.

"Good evening, children!" Dumbledore stood at the front of the room to gain our attention. He wore deep purple robes with silvery stars and his usual half moon glasses, a bright smile on his face despite the terrible rumors swirling around his name. "We have two changes in staffing. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grumbly-Plank, who will be taking care of Magical Creatures as Hagrid is on temporary leave." I exchanged a look with the others. The trio looked just as confused as I was at the absence of their beloved half giant. "We also wish to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge." Dumbledore gestured to where a small woman dressed in hot pink from head to toe stood. A smile spread across her pale face. I couldn't quite imagine her as a DADA teacher. From the way she looked across the group of students I can't imagine her working with children at all. "I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing our new Professor good luck."

"She works for Fudge." Harry whispered across the table as she stood and made an impromptu speech, effectively cutting Dumbledore off. Harry must've seen her during his hearing at the Ministry. I can't help but wonder what her position was...and if she had been one of the ones to vote to charge Harry.

The amount of pink she's wearing is making me want to hurl. And the fake sincerity in her tone is even worse. "I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." She finished off her speech with yet another tight-lipped smile, her eyes continuously scrutinizing us.

"That's likely." The twins spoke loudly. Apparently I wasn't the only one skeptical about her intentions. She looked at them with raised eyebrows before continuing with an even longer speech about striving for perfection.

"The Ministry is interfering at Hogwarts." Hermione mumbled, shaking her head.

I fell quiet as I followed the twins up to the common room. Everyone was sitting in almost complete silence, a few terse conversations going on as some poured over a newspaper. Fred and George pinned up an advertisement that I'm sure would not last long on the notice board. This year Ron and Hermione were made prefects...and I'm sure Hermione will not be turning a blind eye to any of their antics. Especially since they're trying to collect students to test their products on. George grinned at me after he had handed Fred the last tack and the two sat down beside their friend Lee, undoubtedly updating him on the business.

I sat next to Angelina, Katie, and Alicia, all of us exchanging brief hugs and greetings. I quickly picked on that no one in the common room seemed up for a chat. Everyone in the room seemed to be attempting to overhear what the boys reading the paper were talking about. Only a few minutes later, Harry stepped through the portrait alone.

"Dean, Seamus. Good holiday?" Harry smiled at his friends but I could sense a bit of strain behind his voice. I'm sure he's already noticed everyone's strange behavior. I bet he's getting more looks this year too.

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