81 - Hens and Stags

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"Good morning, my darling fiancé." George leaned up against the counter in our flat, a cup of tea in his hand. He winked at me before taking a long sip.

"I don't think I say this enough...but you two make me bloody sick." Fred grumbled as he shook his head. He is certainly not as much of a morning person as his brother.

Ignoring Fred's comments, George pulled me into him and practically stuck his tongue down my throat. "George!" I scolded as I wiggled out of his grasp. He cackled when Fred left the room, muttering a few disgusted words.

"One week from tomorrow." His hands found my hips, squeezing lightly.

"I can't wait." I hummed, standing on my tippy toes and exchanging a sweet kiss.

The night of our engagement we had decided this wedding should happen sooner rather than later. If we waited much longer I would be uncomfortably pregnant but we also wanted to get married before the baby arrived. That left us with just a few weeks of preparations. Luckily, I'm not very picky. I just want to have a fun night of dancing and eating with my closest friends and family.

In fact, I found my dress after one visit to a Muggle bridal boutique. Hermione, Ginny, Fleur, and Mrs. Weasley had accompanied me for help. The main goal was to find a dress that didn't make me look quite as...knocked up. The one I did find was perfect. It was slightly off white. The top was fitted with cap sleeves, intricate eyelash lace covering it. The bottom was tulle and began just below my breasts so it effectively concealed my bump even just a little—it was a little difficult to do at five months.

I let the three girls in my bridal party pick out whatever dress they liked. Just as long as it was the muted pink color I had picked out. I decided the wedding would have lots of flowers, with almost every color imaginable. Particularly the wildflowers that grow on the outskirts of the Burrow came to mind. With that information, Mrs. Weasley was put in charge of putting it together. We'll be having the wedding at the Burrow in a tent, just as Bill and Fleur had. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I didn't really mind what else happened that day. The important thing to me was just getting married to George.

After a long, and at times frustrating, day of work, the three of us ate dinner with minimal conversation. When our meal came to a close, Fred and George were deep into a discussion about expanding Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes even further. Despite how interesting that topic normally is to me, I decided my desire for a hot shower was quickly turning into a need.

My muscles ached from the long work day, the hot water quickly acting as a remedy as it ran down my back. I let my eyes flutter closed at the brief comfort. With each deep steam-filled breath, I felt the weight of the day lift off my shoulders. I tried to forget all about that disgruntled customer and instead allow my thoughts to drift to my wedding plans. I was placing mental bets on who would get the drunkest when the door clicked open, shutting again a second later.

I cautiously peered out into the bathroom, sure to cover my naked body with the shower curtain. I half expected to see Fred, he had a habit of not respecting privacy, but was relieved to see George slipping his button up off his shoulders. He didn't say anything as he rid himself of the rest of his clothes.

His usual cheeky grin was on his face as he joined me. "Merlin's nutsack! That's hot!" He winced when the water hit him. "I'll never understand why you like to melt your skin off." He chuckled.

"Hey, if you're going to join me you're going to have to adapt to my water temperature." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I thought I'd check on you. You seemed pretty stressed out at work today, love." He reached past me for a bottle of shampoo, squirting some into his palm. He motioned with his free hand for me to turn around before he began lathering it into my hair. His nails scratched at my scalp, my head falling back to rest against his chest. He pressed a soft kiss to my neck, slowly trailing up. "Plus, you've been in here for half an hour."

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