24 - Yule Ball

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I pulled my curled hair to the side as Alicia helped me fasten the long row of small buttons that went from mid back to my waist. Now that it was fastened, the dress cinched in my waist a bit and pushed my breasts up.

This dress really does make me feel beautiful. I ran my hands over the satin before adjusting the straps until they laid where I wanted them to on my shoulders. The fabric was a gorgeous rose gold color. It had instantly caught my attention when my father had taken me to a Muggle dress shop this past summer. I was grateful he was right in assuring me it wouldn't be too fancy. I absentmindedly twisted one of the pearl earrings I was wearing. They were my mothers—and they had been another surprise from my dad that I hadn't understood in that moment.

"Leah...you look amazing." Alicia gasped after she had adjusted her own hairstyle. The pale yellow dress she wore was a stunning clash against her dark skin. She would be attending the ball tonight as Lee's date, which she had emphasized to him numerous times was just as friends. "Cedric is going to love it." She shook me excitedly.

My lips curved up in a smile as I gazed at myself in the mirror. Alicia had helped me with my hair and makeup and I'll say she does have a secret talent. I'm not sure how she learned how to charm hair, though it looked amazing. Half of my caramel brown hair had been expertly braided up while the rest cascaded down in loose curls. But Cedric isn't the one who I really want to impress tonight.

I knew I needed to hurry it up a bit. All of the champions and their dates are expected to be the first to dance. But the uneasy feeling of seeing them together stung. I was already lucky enough that Angelina and Katie had chose to get ready with some Ravenclaw girls they were friends with. I slowly made my way down through the school and to the Great Hall. I passed by hoards of students, some already making out in "hidden" corners of the corridors. I guess they couldn't even wait for the dance to start.

When I finally made it to the stairs, I saw Harry, Ron, and their dates chatting by the door. The four of them look rather awkward together as the two boys stared off in any direction but their dates. Thankfully, the twin girls seemed to at least enjoy each other's company.

Hermione was standing with Viktor Krum and Godric did she look beautiful. She was wearing an intricate pink dress with her hair in an updo. I thought I had noticed the legendary seeker exchanging a few flirty looks with Hermione over the past month. Good for her. I wish I could've seen Ron's face when he realized her date is his hero.

Cedric's attention was taken away from his friends when he noticed me coming down the stairs. His dress robes were neatly pressed and elegant—he had admitted to me that his mum had made a fuss over buying him nice, new ones for the occasion. His hair was groomed back off of his face and he looked even more handsome. A huge smile was displayed on his face as he walked towards me.

"You look gorgeous." Hermione complimented with a big smile.

"Coming from you! You look beautiful!" I replied as she twirled around so I could get a full view of her dress. The ruffles that ran down her waist flared as she did so.

"You do look good." Ron gave me a small smile, shifting his weight from foot to foot. He's clearly uncomfortable about the frilly dress robes he's wearing.

"And you look very handsome." I grinned at him, causing him to lift his chin a bit more. He was mortified when he had unwrapped the hand-me-down robes his mum had sent with him.

Cedric offered me his arm and pulled me away from my friends. "You should've told me you were going to look this stunning. I would've stepped up my game a bit."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Thank you but you look lovely." His cheeks warmed at my words as we maneuvered towards where the champions were expected to meet.

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