41 - Goodbyes

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Authors Note: This chapter does contain smut so if you are uncomfortable with this please feel free to skip it! Thank you!!


Fred and George whispered to themselves as they descended the stone stairs. They had walked Michael up to his dorm room to make sure he was okay before returning to where I was waiting in the common room. "Alright what are you planning?" I rose an eyebrow to the twins.

They exchanged a look before Fred began to head back towards the stairs. "I'll—uh—let the two of you talk."

I knit my brows as I looked back at my boyfriend. His eyes were soft and his mouth pressed into a thin line. "What does he mean? What's happening?"

"Love, we're leaving here tomorrow." He tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

"What? But we're about to graduate?" I still didn't quite get what he was saying, but my stomach flipped at his words either way.

"Fred and I won't be. We can't stay here any longer." He explained further when he saw my confused expression. "We don't need a degree to run our joke shop. We can finally make Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes a reality! I mean you've seen the success of our Skiving Snackboxes and we practically sold out of Headless Hats the first day we—"

"What am I going to do without you both here?" I cut him off, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes and threatening to spill over. Umbridge had already made the year torture in every possible way, now she had drove away the two people who gave me any sense of happiness.

"Darling." He sighed, pulling me into his arms. "Don't do that or I'll never be able to leave. Fred's been trying to get me to leave since January, but tonight I finally caved. There's nothing for us here. I'd love if you could come with me...but we both know you need to stay and finish out the last few weeks."

I sniffed and stared down at my feet. He's right...but I wish more than anything he wasn't. They really could do so much to get their business started if they didn't have to worry themselves about school and exams. He gently lifted my chin so I would meet his eyes before he pulled me in for a slow kiss. I knew it would only be temporary—and I understand why they're doing it. But it hurts just the same.

"I won't be able to see you in the morning before your independent study but I promise you...I will say goodbye." He assured me, my face still in his hands. He took my hand and led me upstairs to my dorm. "Wait for me near the Great Hall where they'll be taking their O.W.Ls."

I focused my eyes on his large hand wrapped around mine. The thought of roaming these halls without George by my side fueled my next question. "Stay with me tonight?"

"I'm sure your roommates wouldn't be too comfortable with that." George chuckled, intertwining our fingers.

"They're having a sleepover with Katie and a few of the other girls on the Quidditch team." My voice was barely above a whisper as I slowly led him inside the dark dorm.

I used my wand to light a few of the candles scattered across my side of the room before setting it down and shrugging off my cardigan. George kicked his shoes off before crawling underneath the sheets of the small four poster. It's not quite as big as the bed we've shared at Grimmauld Place but I think we can make do.

He held the blanket open for me with a chuckle, watching as I moved in beside him. "You know you're going to get too used to these sleepovers of ours." George supported himself on his elbow, the other arm on my waist as he pressed a sweet kiss to my lips.

"George...I don't want to sleep." My heart raced slightly as I revealed to him my intentions, a sudden confidence in my voice.

George's eyes instantly darkened and his Adam's Apple jumped as he licked his lips. "Are you sure? I-I told you I don't mind waiting." While we had fooled around with each other before, we had never gone all the way. He had always been respectful, never asking me for more or pressuring me in any way.

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