42 - The Exit

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The next morning, I awoke to a note on my bedside table...but no George. He had gone off to prepare for their big exit. I took a hot shower before getting dressed for the day. I was sure to utilize the morning after charm. My body ached from the night before but I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Well, I guess I would have preferred to have woken up next to him. Or at least to have him by my side for the next couple weeks.

My mind was cluttered. Even breakfast without Fred and George was torture. But they had told me they needed a lot of time to prepare for whatever they had planned. Lee, Angelina, and Alicia did their best to keep me entertained but had exchanged concerned looks when I just gave a soft smile and picked at my eggs.

I silently walked through the currently empty halls. Snape did not have a whole lot of work for me to do while he was administering examinations, so I hardly spent any time in his office at all this morning. The only activity going on throughout the whole castle is the O.W.L. exams for the fifth years. Umbridge had warned us that any students disturbing the exams would be punished severely. So it was a pretty quiet Saturday at Hogwarts.

I had just rounded the corner to the Great Hall when I heard a loud booming from somewhere in the school. I leaned against the stone beside me, my heart racing and a smile playing on my lips as I thought about seeing the boy's big prank. Students scrambled past me, shouting something about a swamp in the corridor.

The doors to the hall creaked open and Professor Umbridge stormed out and looked around. I was quick to duck behind the wall so she wouldn't see me. A small spark appeared in front of her, sizzling before shooting into the Great Hall and exploding.

Weasley's Wildfire Whiz-bangs. This is going to be so good.

Umbridge looked around confused before we heard the popping sounds getting closer.

"Wahoo!!" The boys jet by her on their broomsticks, nearly knocking her backwards. They must've been able to nick them from where they were padlocked in her office this morning.

"All right, Professor!" Fred taunted as the two brothers flew down low, sending all of the fifth year's O.W.L. exams flying through the air in a flurry of parchment. They set off even more of their unstoppable fireworks. As Umbridge tried to get rid of them, they only multiplied. The students below were all whistling and cheering as they continued to do laps around the Great Hall, high fiving one another from their brooms as they passed.

 The students below were all whistling and cheering as they continued to do laps around the Great Hall, high fiving one another from their brooms as they passed

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Umbridge looked flustered as she tried to figure out what to do. The fireworks chased around the Slytherins, paying particular attention to Draco Malfoy. The twins held an extra grudge against him after his degradation of the Weasley family and his little 'mudblood' comment to me.

Filch walked in carrying a mop, like that would help the situation, scowling when he looked around at the mess. He waved it in the air in an attempt to knock down some of the endless fireworks, but the end instantly caught flame. The students continued to cheer loudly as more and more fireworks went off.

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