40 - Black Quill

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"The weather has been wicked lately." Fred commented as we walked towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Do you think it has to do with...Voldemort." I whispered that last word. Mainly I was worried Umbridge would overhear and give me the quill like she did to Harry.

"Could be." He pursed his lips as we entered the bustling hall.

Everyone was crowded around newspapers, most likely the newest edition of the Daily Prophet. I wonder what the Ministry is spewing about Harry now. We sat down next to Neville, who was practically shaking as he read. "What is it?" I scrunched up my face before he slowly slid it over to me.

"Mass Breakout from Azkaban." George read the title aloud from over my shoulder. I could feel his eyes on me straight away. All the color drained from my face and I nearly got sick from the sight of the moving picture on the front page. The woman had dark hooded eyes, a sunken face, and wild curly hair. Bellatrix Lestrange. She's out on the loose once again. My dad will be begging to pull me from school and go into hiding if he finds out.

I picked at a piece of toast and took a few sips of pumpkin juice but my appetite for the most part is completely gone. It can't be good that suddenly all of Voldemort's followers have escaped from Azkaban. It has to mean they're coming for us next. Things are changing—and changing fast. "I'm going to go for a little walk." I suddenly pushed my plate away and stood from the bench.

"Okay...let's go." George began to stand as well but I gently placed a hand on his shoulder. The barely touched eggs and sausages on the plate in front of him showed me he wasn't even close to finishing his breakfast.

"I'm alright, Georgie." I assured him. "I'll see you in the Room of Requirement in a few, okay?"

He thought for a minute before reluctantly agreeing. He's been extra worried about me with everything going on. I think listening in at those Order of the Phoenix meetings has put him on edge. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and left my friends.

Fred was definitely right about the weather. Dark clouds swirled in the sky and most days it rained. I just can't shake the feeling that things will only get worse and worse. I found myself walking to the Room of Requirement a bit earlier than the rest of my friends. It'll be nice to get a moment to myself to try to focus my mind before today's lesson.

When I walked through the large doors, there was a brown haired boy standing in the corner. His eyes focused on a few of the photos and newspaper clippings we had pinned up for motivation. Just by his posture I could tell he was bothered.

"Neville?" I gently placed my hand on his shoulder as I approached. He was staring intently at an early picture of the Order that Harry had brought, his eyes focused on one couple in particular. Ginny told me when we got back from visiting Mr. Weasley in St. Mungo's that they had run into Neville while I was getting coffee with Tonks. He had been visiting his parents. Both had white hair and bewildered expressions, and his mother kept handing him gum wrappers. She said it was the saddest sight she had ever seen.

"Fourteen years ago, a Death Eater named Bellatrix Lestrange used a Cruciatus Curse on my parents." Neville's bottom lip quivered as he tried to maintain a steely expression, though it wasn't needed in my presence. We watched the moving picture, his father had his arm wrapped protectively around his mother while the two shared a brief look of adoration. "She tortured them for information...but they never gave in...until—until—"

I was quiet for a moment. The pain that they must have been in. I've experienced the pain for not even a minute. I can't imagine continuous torture. I've never felt sorrier for a person than I feel for Neville in this moment. I can understand why he would keep it from his friends. It's painful enough to see your parents in that state, but explaining it to your friends would be simply horrible.

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