5 - Hallowe'en

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Thankfully, I seemed to be off the hook from any further poisoning the rest of the year. Although I did want to gag anytime we had a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson from our new professor, Gilderoy Lockhart. Our first lesson he spent the entire time talking about himself.

"Oof!" I groaned when two bodies plopped down on top of me, jolting me awake.

"Good morning!" George quipped with an unusually bright smile. I hate that the two had long figured out how to get past the protections on the girl's dorms.

"It's Saturday." I groaned, throwing my hands over my eyes to block out the sun that peeked through the drapes Fred had yanked open. "Get out."

"We've got Quidditch practice. Come on!" Fred bounced up and down from where he was sat, jostling me slightly in the process.

"Why does you having Quidditch practice influence my Saturday morning?" I grumbled and slapped Fred's hand when he tried to pull mine away from my eyes.

"You've got to come watch of course." George scoffed.

"If it'll make them shut up, please leave." One of my roommates, Angelina Johnson, grumbled. She had her face pressed into her pillow as she tried her best to drone out the noise. She wasn't a morning person.

I looked around at the other bed in the room, and wasn't surprised to see Alicia's was already empty. "Hey you should be thankful." Fred looked to the Chaser who was sound asleep only moments ago. "You need to get out there too or Wood will have your head."

The warmth of my blanket was ripped away from me as George pulled my covers to the floor. "Aww. Your pajamas have little puppy dogs on them!" He cooed.

"How cute." Fred teased, poking at my freckled cheek.

"Sweet Merlin, get out!" I groaned. "I'll meet you at the pitch."

"I told you it'd work." I heard Fred whisper as the two happily left the dorm.

Angelina and I reluctantly left our beds and began to get dressed, making light chatter as we did. Angelina had pulled her Quidditch jumper over her head just as I zipped up my hoodie. I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail, tightening it before letting the bunched hair fall.

"Those two have separation anxiety I swear." Angelina shook her head with a laugh, grabbing her broom from the corner of the room.

"Majorly." I giggled, grabbing a book and following my roommate to the large Quidditch pitch. The sun had barely crested over the hills, illuminating the field in a golden glow. As I expected, Alicia was already on her broom and tossing a Quaffle back and forth with her fellow Chaser, Katie Bell.

I settled myself into the stands like I had done in past years and watched as the team warmed up. Fred and George beat Bludgers back and forth to each other, laughing when George hit one especially hard and almost knocked Fred off his broom.

Oliver called them all to the ground and the team huddled around their captain. From what I could hear, it sounds like he has a new training program for this year. I bet he worked on it all summer. Harry joined them only minutes later and a first year boy scrambled into the stands, eager to make sure he hadn't missed a single second of Harry's practice. He was leaning forward against the railing, camera clutched tightly in his hands.

"Have they started yet?" Ron yawned as he plopped down beside me, wordlessly handing me a slice of toast with marmalade spread on top. Hermione sat down next to him with her own breakfast, looking like she had been awake for hours—and if I knew her she had been.

"No but it looks like they're kicking off now." I nodded to where their friend had kicked off the ground. Harry sped around the field as the team loosened up for practice. Fred and George made an attempt to race him, and despite their significantly older brooms, the two kept up to him through every turn.

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