76 - Calm After the Storm

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I fiddled with the waistband of my skirt as I stood in front of the long mirror in the twins' childhood bedroom. The days that followed the battle have been uneventful, composed with lots of moving and even more sleeping. The entire Weasley family would be back in the Burrow for the weekend. Something about risking your life makes you want to spend a bit of extra time with loved ones.

I ran my hands down the front of the skirt, pressing the floral fabric flush against my skin. The minuscule bump I'm imagining may just be from the huge meal Mrs. Weasley prepared for everyone. I shouldn't start showing for another few weeks.

Fred, George, and I haven't even talked about going home yet. There's so much work to do to get the shop up and running that we've all been avoiding bringing it up. Though the thought of being back in our bed for the first time in almost ten months is more than appealing.

But that's not the only thing I've been avoiding. Mrs. Weasley has been very kind and understanding of my decision to give George a couple of days to settle, but I think everyone's getting a little impatient. And I don't blame them. I probably should have told him immediately, but I can't help but be a little scared. We've talked about wanting to spend our lives together a million times before but now that choice feels more forced. I want him to want to spend his life with me because he wants to. Not because he knocked me up. I just hope Fred was right that night we were walking the halls of the seventh floor. I'm so thankful he's here to help me through this—and to help George through this.

"Leah, love?" George's voice was quiet as he entered the room.

I smiled at him through the mirror as he came up behind me. I was quick to blink away any tears. His hands wrapped around my waist, placing soft kisses to the skin just above my exposed collarbone before trailing up my neck. He let out a deep exhale and I knew exactly how he was feeling, no words needed to be exchanged. We're all feeling a bit drained still. I reached behind me to run my hand through his hair like I know he loves. A small gesture, but a comforting one. When he pulled away, he gently took my face in both of his hands and pressed his lips to mine. "I love you. More than anything."

"I love you too, Georgie." I offered him a soft smile. His fingers delicately combed through my long hair and it took everything in me not to beg him to just stay up here and play with my hair for the rest of the day.

"Bill and Fleur should be here any minute." George hummed under my touch. He plopped down on the bed, pulling me down onto his lap and burying his face in my neck. I ran a hand through his soft hair, the other running up and down his back. He pressed gentle kisses to my neck as I giggled.

Of course shortly after their name left his lips, I could hear Mrs. Weasley fussing over the young couple from down the stairs. "Leah! George!" She called up to us so that we would come down and greet them.

George quietly groaned, a small smile on his lips. "What would happen if we just didn't go?"

I shook my head as I mirrored his smile. "Trust me, the thought's run through my head. Let's go." I intertwined our fingers before practically dragging him from the room.

"There they are." Mrs. Weasley smiled as we stepped off the last stair. The family filled the sitting room below.

Ron sat awkwardly beside Ginny and Harry as the two cozied up to one another on the couch. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight. Ron was supportive when the two finally admitted their feelings for one another but is still visibly uncomfortable with the idea of his best mate and his sister.

The other couch and the love seat were both filled, leaving a single armchair. George plopped down in it as I moved to perch myself on the arm. Of course before I could get seated, George's hands gripped my hips and he pulled me down onto his lap. A slight blush dusted my cheeks at such a public display of affection. He looked up at me with a crooked smile and pat my hip, where his hand was now resting.

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