71 - Galleons

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"Leah, love?" George rapped lightly on the bathroom door. "Can I come in?"

I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet before standing and opening the door for him. As the months passed my anxiety for the situation around us increased as well. Ever since Ginny told me about the horror of Hogwarts under Death Eater control, all I can think about is it's poor students. Not to mention Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The only news we've heard came this morning saying that the three had broken into Gringotts and escaped on a dragon. It was the last thing I would have ever expected to read and only filled me with more dread. Lee had come to visit so he and Fred could broadcast the news on Potterwatch right before dinner. Mrs. Weasley had made a delicious spread for the extra company, though unfortunately mine ended up in the toilet thirty minutes later.

"You're worrying yourself so much you're getting sick." George sighed, gently wiping away a tear caused from the retching. It hadn't been the first time he'd found me bent over the toilet. Most nights a full dinner did not react well with my nerves.

"I can't stand not knowing what's going on." I sat down on the now closed toilet lid, letting a few hot tears leak onto my cheeks. "I feel so helpless."

He brushed through my hair with his fingers as he pulled me into a tight hug. I was thankful that he gave me quiet support, knowing talking would only leave me even more upset. "Would you like some hot chocolate? Mum's made a load. It was Ginny's idea of course. Can't get enough of it lately..."

I nodded, blinking away any lingering tears as he bent down to softly kiss my forehead. I followed close behind him, attempting to make myself look less horrid than I felt. As we came down the stairs the rest of his family came into view, all listening intently to a story Lee was telling. They were already sat in the sitting room with mugs in hand, sans Mr. Ollivander who has been going to bed straight after dinner most nights.

"There she is!" Mrs. Weasley flashed a bright smile. "Are you still not feeling well, dear?"

"Just a bit of nerves with everything going on." I reciprocated the smile and sat down on the love seat next to George. He passed me a mug before taking one for himself. Maybe the warm drink will ease my nausea. Mrs. Weasley had carefully placed tiny marshmallows in the hot chocolate, mine were now slightly dissolved after spending too much time upstairs.

"You're not eating any of the chocolates lying around the boys' room are you?" Concern crossed over the woman's features.

I shook my head with a slight laugh. I knew better by now to avoid eating anything that the twins had lying around. Puking Pastilles are not something you want to eat unintentionally.

"We'll hear something soon, I'm sure." Mr. Weasley assured me with a smile. "Now. Tell me more about this Muggle music Fred keeps singing around the house."

I smirked over at where Fred was seated, his cheeks now a little pink. "I understand why your dad fancies Queen so much. I can't get that one song out of my head."

"Which one?" I chuckled, leaning my head against George's shoulder.

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslideee! No escape from realityyy!" Fred sang, or yelled, out as the room burst out laughing.

"That ghastly tune you've been shouting is music!?" Aunt Muriel scrunched her nose, retreating into her bedroom on the main floor.

"You brought your radio didn't you, love?" George nudged me. "Why don't you show it to them?" Mr. Weasley's eyes lit up at the idea. I nodded with a big smile, running up the stairs to grab the device that I had tucked away in my trunk. A moment later, I returned with it along with one of my CDs. The one I grabbed has a nice mix of songs on it. Mr. Weasley sat on the edge of his seat as I set up the device.

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