18 - The Goblet

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I crossed the hall quickly, just in time to catch Hermione explaining how the age line works to the twins. "It's not going to work." She sang, not even looking up from the literature open across her lap.

"Oh yeah? And why's that, Granger?" Fred sneered as the two sat on either side of her.

Hermione huffed and slammed her book shut. "You see this?" She gestured to a glowing white line in front of them. "This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" Fred furrowed his brows. I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head. This is not going to go well.

"Soooo." Hermione dragged out. "A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something so pathetically dimwitted such as an age potion."

"That's why it's so brilliant." George grinned.

"Because it's so pathetically dim-witted." Fred taunted. The two brothers turned to each other before shaking up their vials to mix the ingredients even further.

"Ready Fred?" George uncorked his vial.

"Ready George." His twin nodded.

The two intertwined their arms. "Bottoms up." They guzzled down the contents of their vial. I hope they didn't make that potion themselves—it is one of their best classes but I don't quite trust their attention to detail. I normally help them with any pranks involving potions.

I held my breath as the twins hopped into the circle together. When they weren't immediately tossed out, they pumped their fists in the air and cheered. Wide smiles spread across their faces and their long, red hair bobbed with each energetic bounce. The crowd of students around them all mimicked their cheers. Even those from other houses, everyone just eager to see how this would go for them.

"Ready?" They reached up together to place the torn strips of paper they had scrawled their names on into the goblet. After a few seconds, the goblet didn't reject their name and the two brothers exchanged a triumphant high five.

I'm so shocked that one of their ideas actually worked. Though I'm sure if their names are pulled from the goblet Dumbledore would not let them compete.

The goblet rumbled as it emitted streaks of blue flames that encircled the two. Here it comes. The boys were thrown a good three meters away, groaning in pain. The room was an uproar of laughter when the two slowly sat themselves up off the stone floor. Their once fiery red hair was now white with matching beards that rivaled our headmaster's. The look on their faces when they finally looked to each other was priceless.

"You said—" One of them yelled. Even I can't tell them apart like this.

"You said!" The other argued back as they began wrestling with each other on the cobblestone floor. They rolled around on top of each other, taking turns pinning one another to the ground.

"You wanna piece of it!?" I finally was able to recognize Fred's voice.

"Take that!" George yelled and drove his elbow into his brother's side as the two continued to wail on each other.

Ron chanted along with the rest of the students. "Fight, fight, fight!" I rolled my eyes as the two continued to thrash around on the ground.

Suddenly, the attention was taken from the now elderly twins and the room went silent as the large doors to the Great Hall swung open. Viktor Krum marched forward with confidence, placing his own name in the goblet. His dark eyes were trained on something just over my shoulder, a prominent smirk across his lips. When I turned to meet his gaze I saw a slightly pink-faced Hermione. I'm certainly talking to her about that look. The tension between the two could be cut with a knife.

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