50 - Sprouts

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"Leah!" Mrs. Weasley's voice could be heard over the commotion of a full Burrow. Her apron was already covered in flour from all of the desserts she'd been slaving over for tomorrow. I instantly sunk into her embrace. Her hugs are one of the most comforting things to me.

"She acts like we're not her own sons?" Fred scoffed as their mother continued to fawn over me.

She rolled her eyes, pulling each boy down to her level for a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They instantly went off to the kitchen to find their brother, who they had been dying to tease since they found out about Lavender Brown.

Mrs. Weasley began to fill me in on her plans for the day, and how I could help her prepare for Christmas dinner. Remus Lupin would be coming tonight and Tonks would be joining us for dinner tomorrow. She was also quick to inform me that the two had become romantically involved, though it was still rather new. Apparently the two had been fighting over the last month as Remus felt he wasn't good for Tonks on account of him being a werewolf. That explains why Tonks seemed so down at that Order meeting nearly a month ago, it must have been when the two were fighting.

From over Mrs. Weasley's shoulder, I could see Ron and Harry peeling a mountain of sprouts for their mother. George was now cockily watching with his feet kicked up on the table, Fred taunting their brother from where he was stood leaning against the doorway. I could see Ron's face getting redder and redder as his brothers continued to get under his skin.

"So did this Lavender girl have an accident or something?" Fred causally picked some dirt from underneath his nails.

"What do you mean?" Ron scoffed.

"How did she sustain such extensive brain damage?" Fred's retort could be heard, and I knew Ron's silence was not a good sign. "Careful, now!" He laughed as a knife soared straight towards him. In an instant it was turned into a paper airplane with a flick of Fred's wand.

"Ron!" Mrs. Weasley was furious as she walked into the room. "Don't you ever let me see you throwing knives again!"

"I won't," Ron turned away from us, muttering under his breath as he picked up another knife and got back to work.

"Fred, George, I'm sorry dears, but Remus is arriving tonight, so Bill will have to squeeze with you two." Their mother sighed.

"No problem." George shrugged, taking his feet off the table before his mother could scold him.

"Then, as Charlie isn't coming home, Harry and Ron in the attic, and if Leah and Fleur share with Ginny everyone should be comfortable." Mrs. Weasley looked pleased after drawing an invisible map in the air in front of her. "Well, they'll have a bed, anyway."

"But mum—" George frowned when he realized we would be in separate beds for the first time in months.

"You'd better keep quiet, Georgie. Otherwise I think Ginny might lose her mind stocked up in her room with just Bill's fiancé." Fred whispered.

George rolled his eyes but didn't say anything more in protest. "Percy definitely not showing his ugly face, then?"

Mrs. Weasley turned away from us, straightening out the festive table cloth she had laid. "No...he's busy, I expect. At the Ministry." A frown found it's way on my face as I sympathized with the poor woman. Her son still hadn't come home or made any attempts to apologize. I was so disappointed in Percy. Though he may have always been a bit different than his siblings, he was still a big part of the Weasley family...and I had actually come to miss him meticulously organizing the decorations on the Christmas tree.

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