6 - Quidditch

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I wrapped my Gryffindor scarf tight around my neck before trotting down the stairs into the common room where Ginny would be waiting. It's the day of the first Quidditch game of the year and I can't wait. With five of my close friends on the Quidditch team, the upcoming match had been a frequent conversation topic at every meal and even in the common room at night. I can't wait for a bit of normalcy despite all of the chatter about the Chamber of Secrets. I've felt pretty safe under the close watch of my friends, but a direct threat on Muggle-borns is something that has stayed in the back of my mind.

"Are you excited?" I squeezed the young red headed girl once I reached her. "Your first ever Quidditch match!"

I couldn't help notice the bags under her eyes and my heart clenched at the thought of the poor girl not getting any sleep over all the events lately. The Chamber of Secrets is really worrying everyone.

She nodded with a small smile and followed me through the building. "I really hope we win."

"Well that'll be up to Harry." I shrugged, squinting slightly as we stepped into the light. "Speaking of..." I winked, nudging the girl. I've been waiting since that day at the Burrow to bring him up.

Ginny's face instantly turned a bright shade of red. "He is so cute." She whispered, giggling slightly. "Don't you dare tell my brothers what I've said!" The girl threatened me with one of her small fingers.

"I won't, I won't. Easy Gin." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders. "I think it's adorable."

"And I think you and George are adorable." She smirked, looking up at me.

"What?" I scoffed.

"Don't play dumb. I may be a couple years younger but I'm not an idiot." Ginny giggled as both of our attention was drawn to where Cedric was jogging up to us. "I'm going to go meet up with my friends." She glanced between the two of us before quickly splitting off.

"Hello, Hadlei-...Leah." He attempted to save himself. "Sorry."

"It's fine." I chuckled, looking up at the huge pitch as we approached it. The pitch always looked much bigger during practices, when it was empty with only a few people watching from the stands. Fans were already cheering from their respective sections. I don't even think the players are near their brooms yet.

"It'll be good competition today. You're welcome to come watch the match from the Hufflepuff section." He smirked, nodding his head in it's direction. "We're loads more fun."

"Sorry, mate. But she's gotta cheer us on from the Gryffindor section." George walked up from behind me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, jostling me slightly. An emotion I hadn't yet seen from him clouded his face as he smiled cockily at my friend.

Cedric offered a small smile. "Alright. Well good luck today, George. Leah, I'll see you later?" He turned and began walking back towards his own section with his hands shoved into his pockets. A moment later a few of his friends joined him. They really don't stray far.

"What was that?" I rose an eyebrow and looked up at my tall friend. His previously confident front faltered as he looked down to meet my gaze.

He was dressed in the typical red and gold Quidditch uniform with his bat tucked up under his arm. I definitely can understand why Angelina and Katie gush about boys in their uniforms. I could see George's muscles flexing through his jumper.

"You looked like he might've been bothering you. Plus you're fraternizing with the enemy right before the game." George defended his actions with a sheepish grin. He couldn't quite hide the pink tinge that crept up his neck.

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