61 - The Shed

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The old pipes creaked shut above me as I stepped from the warmth of the shower. Condensation coated the mirror and obstructed my view of myself. Today was the big day of Bill and Fleur's wedding. I couldn't quite decide if my stomach was in knots due to excitement or worry. I love weddings—and dancing and drinking with the Weasley family is one of my favorite past times—but there was a big chance of uninvited guests.

I went straight back to Ginny's room, hopeful I wouldn't run into any of the many boys in this house as I had forgotten to bring a change of clothes to the bathroom. Thankfully, I made it back to the room where the girls were already finishing up their hair with no interruptions. "Hi." Ginny smiled up at me as Hermione placed a few more pins in her auburn hair.

"You look beautiful, Gin. Harry won't be able to take his eyes off you." I teasingly waggled my eyebrows causing Hermione to giggle from behind her.

A blush crept up Ginny's neck. "I picked out a dress for you." She quickly changed the subject, pointing to a plum colored dress she had spread out on her bed. In my hurry to get here I hadn't brought a single dress for the wedding. Thankfully, Ginny offered to let me borrow one of hers.

"It's beautiful." I mumbled, running my hands over the chiffon fabric.

The girls around me chatted about some of the wedding guests they were excited to see, mainly bringing up Luna Lovegood whom Ginny had gotten especially close to last year, though Ginny's mention of ex-TriWizard Tournament champions had Hermione blushing. I applied simple makeup as they continued to talk, simple is really the only way I know how to do it. I dusted some of Ginny's eyeshadow across my lids, adding a thin layer of eyeliner and some mascara. I didn't know what I would do with my hair, running my fingertips through the now dry strands.

"Here...let me help, Leah." Hermione gestured for me to sit in front of her with a smile. Her fingertips lightly brushed my neck as she pulled all of my hair to rest down my back. Carefully, she brushed through my long, light brown hair before her fingers worked through it, braiding a few pieces back.

I hummed in appreciation at the feeling of my hair being played with. "Thank you." I smiled back at her as I examined her work in the mirror. I guess having the amount of hair she has makes you pretty great at working with it. I had never learned to do hair very well the Muggle way, and certainly hadn't mastered any charms. I finally slipped out of my robe and changed into the dress Ginny picked out for me. It was a rather beautiful dress, a scooped neckline with a silk ribbon tied around my waist. The fabric hugged my curves a little tighter than it might on Ginny's athletic frame but accentuated them in just the right places.

"You look wonderful." Hermione smiled, looking me over for a moment before turning so I could zip her dress. It was a vibrant red color that perfectly complimented her hair and eyes. Ron really doesn't know what he's missing.

"Gin, want me to zip you?" I asked as the girl stepped from the room and into the hall.

"Nope." She smirked with a shrug before trotting down the stairs with a wave of her auburn hair.

Hermione and I exchanged a confused look and a laugh. I followed where Ginny had just left, turning before I got to the stairs so I could brush my teeth. Just as I rinsed and spat, George appeared in the doorway. His eyes widened a little when he saw me, a low whistle escaping his lips. "You look drop dead gorgeous." In an instant his hands were on me, lightly running down my sides before gripping my waist. His lips were resting only inches from my neck, and I found myself holding my breath in anticipation. "But I've gotta reach by you and grab my toothbrush." George whispered. He seemed to use all of his strength to remove his hands and grab the toothbrush from it's cup. "I'll have to admire you later when I'm not being rushed around to get everything ready." He winked at me before jogging back down the stairs.

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