12 - Snowmen

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"Go Harry!" Hermione screamed as our friend dashed past on a broom. Today's Quidditch match against Hufflepuff was a complete washout. Rain was coming down hard. Even in the stands with my hat and raincoat I was soaked to the bone.

The game was originally supposed to be against Slytherin but after Hagrid's first Care of Magical Creatures lesson didn't go so well, Malfoy ended up injured. That explains why Hagrid said we had a lesson change. Hermione told me that he was being a pompous jerk and deserved the hippogriff strike, and I have no problem believing her. Fred and George reckon that the Slytherin team just didn't want to play in this shit weather.

I stood close to Ron and Hermione in an attempt to keep warm. Thankfully, the adrenaline of the game is keeping my mind off of the cold weather. Fred and George were at the top of their game today, even despite playing the majority of the game blinded by the rain. George effortlessly beat away yet another bludger as the crowd cheered. He really is quite the talented beater...even a bit better than Fred. Harry however, struggled to keep his broom straight. The wind whipped him back and forth. Cedric, the seeker for the Hufflepuff team, seemed to have a slight advantage since he was significantly heavier than Harry, and thus more difficult to blow off his broom.

The crowds attention turned to Cedric as he flew straight up into the sky after what I can assume is the Snitch. Harry dashed right after him as the two traveled higher and higher before they disappeared into the dark clouds. I can't imagine that they can see anything at all up there.

"I hate not being able to see what's going on." I spoke loudly over the commotion. We anxiously awaited their return as the game below continued like usual, though the players were a bit distracted by their missing seekers.

A strike of lightning illuminated the sky and a flash of yellow faltered slightly from the clouds. "It's Cedric!" I gasped as we watched him regain his senses and dash immediately back towards the snitch. The clouds turned even darker, black blobs littering the sky. Dementors. I didn't think they would be this close to the game.

Soon, an unconscious figure fell from high in the clouds. His red and gold cape billowed around him as he careened further and further towards the ground.

"Harry!" Hermione and I screeched as he spun through the air. Even if he was conscious and able to stop his fall, his broom was no longer between his legs. Dumbledore lifted his wand and slowed the boys decent, carefully setting him down below where medics were already waiting. I followed my friends out of the stands as they ran to keep up with the stretcher they were carrying Harry to the Hospital Wing on.

This is the second time we've had to rush him up to see Madam Pomfrey. I'm not sure if that's just the dangers of Quidditch or if Harry is just that accident prone. I do remember being in this wing quite a few times with Fred or George after a mishap at practice but never quite this often.

"He'll be unconscious for quite some time but please come find me when he wakes." Madam Pomfrey sounded a little flustered as she turned to attend to Cedric. He was groaning slightly from a bed on the opposite side of the room. I'm sure the electric shock he endured didn't feel great.

"He looks a little bit peaky doesn't he?" Ron rose an eyebrow as we all crowded around the sleeping boy.

"Peaky?" Fred rolled his eyes. The twins had joined us in front of Harry. Both still in their uniforms with their goggles hung round their necks. Their hair was disheveled from the weather. I can't help but feel bad for them. They had been talking about beating Hufflepuff for the past two weeks and I know they have to be majorly disappointed. Since they lost this game, they would have to win every other one and hope Ravenclaw crushed Hufflepuff at their next match.

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