36 - Decrees

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The grass tickled my neck as I laid back underneath the tree by the library. I tried not to dwell on who was by my side the last time I was here, only a year ago, but my mind still drifted to thoughts of Cedric. I can't help but wonder how he would've handled Umbridge—or more so what he would've done to distract me from all that's going on.

"You know you can't spend the whole semester out here?" I didn't have to look to recognize George's voice.

"Who says?" I giggled, carefully tying another daisy onto the chain I had absentmindedly started. I hadn't made a daisy chain since I was a girl, but I found a strange comfort in doing it now. It wouldn't be long before there wouldn't be a flower in sight, the weather had already gotten cold enough for me to need a coat when outside.

I leaned forward slightly so George could sit by my head before resting it in his lap. His fingers carefully ran through my hair. I let my eyes flutter closed with the gentle touch. "What's on your mind, sweet cheeks?"

"Sweet cheeks? That's a new one." A laugh bubbled out. We were silent for a brief moment, George focused on my hair as I focused on the flowers between my fingers. "I miss him."

His movements paused for a second before he continued. "I know, love—things are kind of shit right now aren't they?"

"That's an understatement." I sighed, spinning a flower before letting it fall. "Umbridge is just the cherry on the shit pie."

"That sounds absolutely disgusting, Leah." George gagged as I let out a loud laugh. "Truly vile, your mind is." His fingertips reached down to lightly tickle my sides.

I gasped, shooting my hand up to poke at his neck. It was the only place he was ticklish—but I've found he's very ticklish there. "Truce! Truce!" He shot away from me and I leaned back on my elbows instead, grinning up at him.

"You know you have a way of making me forget about it all?" I sighed, brushing off my hands on my trousers. "Umbridge, Voldemort—the future in general I suppose."

"I don't know what the two of them will be doing...but I know what I'll be doing." George leaned over me, his usual goofy grin across his face.

"Oh yeah? And what's that, Weasley?" I smirked back at him, my eyes running along his features. With his face this close to mine I couldn't help but admire his strong jaw, the soft brown eyes, and the bump on the bridge of his nose that helped set him apart from his brother.

"I figure Fred and I'll have our shop, maybe be making enough money to get a fancy dinner for the whole family, a few gifts for mum of course for dealing with us all these years," He paused, his eyes flickering down to my lips. "And I'll come home to the most beautiful girl in the world." He closed the gap to softly connect our lips. His calloused hand ran along my jaw, our lips moving in sync as he deepened the kiss.

We pulled away, the corners of my lips turning up into a smile. "Well then...I can't wait for you to meet her." I whispered before ducking under him and beginning down the hill, leaving George sitting on his heels with his hands on his knees and an amused look on his face.

"Cheeky." He tutted, leaping up to catch up to me as I walked back into the castle.

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