66 - The Lovegood's

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"I'm telling you, George. I sent that order out yesterday." Fred rolled his eyes, mindlessly playing with an Aviatomobile. He drove the little blue toy car high in the air before letting it fall into his open palm.

"Well, when you complete an order you have to mark it as completed and move it into this envelope." George ran a hand through his hair, shaking the leather bound 'Completed Orders' envelope in front of his brother's face.

"And I'll do it next time. I just forget sometimes." Fred dismissed him. I glanced up from where I was sitting on George's bed, leaning against the wall behind me as I warily watched the two. This sounds like an argument waiting to happen.

"Alright, well, you also need to make sure you're sending them out in the order we received them because it looks like Alys Atwood should've gotten her Fanged Frisbee before—" George looked frustrated when his sentence was cut off by their mother calling us from downstairs, Fred however looked relieved as he quickly left his scolding brother.

"I hate him sometimes." George frowned, carefully arranging the envelope back where it belonged on the makeshift filing cabinet he had made on his desk.

"It'll all be over soon and then you'll be back in the shop selling your products the way you like to." I assured him as I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his middle.

"I'll be more excited when I don't have to share a room with the bloke anymore." He grumbled and turned to sit on the edge of his desk, slightly parting his legs so I could stand between them.

I ran my hands lightly up his chest until they rest on each of his shoulders. "You were sneaking into Ginny's room with me most nights." I teased.

"I know but now she's home. I've been too spoiled by our flat." He laughed, his hands coming to rest in the back pockets of my jeans. "I like a bit of cuddling at night and I'm not just going to crawl in bed with Freddie."

"Well," I exhaled. "You're welcome to sneak back in when she goes back to school in a couple days." I lightly pressed my lips to his, not giving him the kind of kiss I know he's been needing.

He groaned when I pulled away, instantly capturing my lips in yet another quick kiss. "Are you trying to seduce me?" His tone was teasing as he smiled down at me.

"I thought I made that pretty clear." I grinned, lightly ruffling his hair and stepping away from him. "But for now we better get downstairs and see what your Mum wants."

"Alright, alright." He sighed, straightening his desk up once more before following me from his room and down the stairs. Mrs. Weasley was already setting a plethora of dishes on the table for dinner.

Ever since the Christmas holidays have ended she has been throwing herself into her house work. This year the holidays hadn't acted as a carefree and joyous end to the year. They were just a reminder of all the danger going on around us. The only children who were home for them were George, Fred, and Ginny. Ron and his friends are off doing Merlin knows what, Percy is still tightly wound up the Minister's ass, and even Bill and Fleur opted to stay home at Shell Cottage. They said they wanted to spend the holidays alone for their first year as a married couple, though I can't imagine wanting to spend Christmas anywhere but the Burrow. In a couple days it would be a new year. Who knows what 1998 will bring? It's a thought that has been silently plaguing us all.

I joined the table, taking my usual spot between George and Ginny. Everyone was silent as they served themselves, their mother pouring drinks before sitting down herself. Mr. Weasley was actually joining us on time today. He's been working hard at the Ministry, partially because of his status as a "blood traitor." After my trial, Yaxley has been giving him a particularly hard time. Hermione hadn't altered anyone else's memories, and though Umbridge certainly had the last say, Yaxley had not been pleased to see me let go. I'm sure he put two and two together and realized what had happened that day. We were all slightly shocked I hadn't been brought back for a re-trial.

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