87 - Lightbulb

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The increasing popularity of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes has kept us very busy the last couple of months. The shop has expanded out of England, so much so that we've brought on a new member of our team to oversee foreign sales. Lee was happy to get away from his hum-drum job to come on as a traveling salesman for his two best mates. Everything was truly picking up like crazy, but I think George is especially relieved about that. He's been searching for a place of our own—but a place of our own requires money. If we ever needed extra income I had decided I would take up Mr. Gallo's offer for a potioneer at his apothecary shop, but for now it doesn't seem like we'll have to resort to that. George preferred for my help in the shop for now anyways.

George has spent many mornings hunched over the newspaper searching for any close by listings. We're cutting it a little close, but December came much quicker than we expected. Luckily, Molly kept a hold of just about everything we could need—so whether we have a boy or girl we'll have plenty of clothing, but at this point we're going to be moving three weeks before my due date. Fred assured us multiple times that he wouldn't mind sharing the flat with the three of us. But it would be way too tight long term.

The bustle of the street around me confirmed that other shops were nearly as busy as ours. I tugged my parka as tight as it would go, my eyes following the cheery wizards surrounding me. Many were getting a head start on their Christmas shopping, with our first Christmas in years without the threat of You-Know-Who. The store fronts were all covered in tinsel and lights, yesterday's snow adding an extra bit of festivity. I had thankfully finished shopping before December even came. I was slightly worried if I waited any longer I would miss the opportunity to shop—though I think people would understand given the circumstances.

Today I was just running out to grab a few groceries we needed while the boys got started at work. I've been trying to keep myself up and walking around a few times a day, so I had a habit of going out even if we only needed a couple of things. It was easy on Sundays when we spent most of the day at the Burrow. The expansive fields surrounding it and the little dirt trail that circled the apple orchard made for quite a picturesque walk. I much preferred that to the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley that we currently lived on.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Weasley!" A buoyant voice called for my attention. A part of me still wasn't used to the fact that I am now Mrs. Weasley, even if it had been months since the wedding.

"Good afternoon, Treva, but I told you you can call me Leah." I grinned at the rosy cheeked woman stood outside of her tea shop. The moment I got closer the sweet smell of cinnamon and sugar wafted into my nose, making my mouth water in an instant. "That smells amazing." I moaned.

"Come now, let me have my fun! I'm still celebrating the new family on our street." She clapped her hands together excitedly. "And what you're smelling is my great-Nan's famous recipe for apple cinnamon pastries. Here, have a few. On the house!"

"No, no. Really I'd love to buy some—" My protests were cut off by a white paper sack being shoved into my hands.

"Nonsense!" She shook her head. "There's one for Fred and George but two are for you."

"Thank you, Treva. I really appreciate it." I smiled as she kindly squeezed my hand before letting go. We said our goodbyes, Treva turning back into her shop with a wave as I continued down the street towards the towering purple and orange building I now called home.

I smiled when I saw the slightly crooked colorful string lights around the front, a permanent reminder of the struggle we had to put them up. Fred and George had nearly hexed each other over it before eventually giving up and leaving the store to look beautifully imperfect. Not before George could transfigure the statue's usual top hat to a Santa hat of course.

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