14 - Fireworks and Filch

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Ron and his friends were, yet again, acting odd. I thought they'd at least relax some after Gryffindor had destroyed Slytherin in the last match to finally take home the Quidditch Cup, but tensions seemed to be higher than ever. Even at the celebratory party, the trio were quieter than usual. Ron hardly cracked a smile when Fred and George had begun to juggle their Butterbeer bottles—that normally cracked him up. Harry gets a bit of a pass in my book, being that everyone believes Sirius Black is still out to kill him. We haven't heard much from him since the attack but now the three weren't even at dinner.

"Has Ron ever in his life skipped a meal?" I sighed, my eyes never leaving the door. Maybe if I focus hard enough they'll come walking through.

"Nope." Fred pressed his lips together. I can tell they're trying to act as if they're not worried but we all know that it's more dangerous than ever to be out at night.

"Hagrid is gone too. I bet they're trying to comfort him about his eagle horse thing Malfoy is having executed." George assured me before changing the subject.

"It's a Hippogriff...and his name is Buckbeak." I mumbled and pushed around my dinner with my fork, only taking small sips of pumpkin juice. It feels like every year those three get into trouble that I can't seem to help them with.

Alicia moved to sit across from me, distracting me slightly with more conversation about their big Quidditch win. Unfortunately, she brought Angelina and Katie along with her. I don't have a problem with Angelina but ever since that day at the pub my distaste for Katie has only grown.

I should get over myself and quit being so childish, but it irks me to see her flirting so obviously with him. With that stupid smile on her face no matter what he does.

"George, I don't think we would've won without you. Did you guys see how he beat that Bludger at Montague? You practically saved me." She giggled, setting her hand on his forearm. Could she be any more obvious?

I scoffed a little louder than I probably should have and the small group of people all had their eyes on me. "Sorry...I really don't feel well. Headache." I stood and walked back to my dorm, leaving my dinner untouched.

I need to stop walking off like a baby but the thought of crawling in bed is much more inviting than sitting and watching that irritating exchange. I don't know why it bothers me so much. I've never been possessive of the Weasley brothers before. I took a quick shower and pulled open another book, enjoying the solitude for once.

I must have read over the same page twice before the words finally seeped into my mind and the story became my only focus. My reading was interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a dog's howl. Hagrid's boarhound, Fang, hardly ever made a peep. Could it have been that black dog I had seen hanging around the Whomping Willow? Before I could ponder it any further, there was a rap on the door and it slowly creaked open. "Mind if I come in?"

"Sure, Freddie." I smiled from where I was sat cross legged on my bed.

He pulled a sandwich from behind his back and set it down in front of me. "I asked Pibsy to make you a chicken sandwich. I noticed you hardly ate anything tonight."

"Thank you." I grinned up at him and patted the bed spread.

He sat down in front of me, leaning back against the bed post. "So what's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just worried about Ron and his friends missing with Sirius Black running around. And I'm a little anxious to get back the results of my O.W.L. exams." I said through mouthfuls of sandwich.

"Yeah...I know you way too well to believe that. We both know you left all your exams annoyingly happy." He laughed, snagging one of my pillows and making himself comfortable beside me. "But I won't push it."

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