68 - Uno

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The second my feet landed on solid ground, I blindly lifted my wand towards the body attached to my arm. "Stupefy!" I sprinted as fast as my legs would take me, shouts and incantations echoing behind me. Jets of light narrowly missed me and ricocheted off the trees around me. I ducked under branches, attempting to get somewhere with enough cover for me to safely apparate. Spells were being thrown haphazardly over my shoulder. Though I'm sure most of them did not come close to hitting their intended target.

"You can't run forever, love!" One of the men chasing me shouted through his laughter. I didn't have to get a good look at them to know exactly who they were. Mr. Weasley warned me that Snatchers were out more than ever. They must have been watching the Tonks home to see if Ted would go back, and instead found me.

The man was right though. My lungs were already screaming and I can hear them gaining on me with every stride. Then the worst thing happened, my trainer caught on a gnarly tree root and my body skidded across the leaf and twig covered ground. My face stung with little cuts and even more shouts of laughter could be heard, even closer than before. In my panic, I lifted my wand and let the darkness fall over me once again.

I came crashing down moments later, the distant light of the Burrow causing a wave of relief to overcome me. The relief was soon replaced by agony as a sharp stinging pain ripped through my arm. I instinctively clutched at it in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

I cried out in pain, unable to form the words to yell for help. With any luck they would still be eating dinner and someone would have noticed me apparating. I stumbled into the protective barrier, slightly afraid the Snatchers would follow me, before my knees buckled under my own weight. I was losing too much blood too quickly, my vision blurring from a mixture of tears and blood loss.

To my relief, two redheads rushed towards me. "Leah!" I recognized Fred's voice. "Leah, holy shit. What happened? She's bleeding, Mum!"

"Oh my, she's been splinched!" Mrs. Weasley gasped. "Hurry up and get her inside!"

Fred looped his arm under my leg, lifting me off the ground and practically running inside behind his mother. "Where's George?" I panted as he set me down on a kitchen chair. He looked pale at the sight of all of the blood dripping down my arm. His mother was rushing around, frantically muttering under her breath as she scoured the cabinets.

"He went with dad to look for you." Fred moved aside when she returned with a small blue bottle.

"Fred, dear. Send a Patronus and let them know she's here." Mrs. Weasley instructed, dropping several drops of Dittany essence onto my bleeding wounds. I cried out at the initial bite of pain, gritting my teeth as the bleeding was cauterized.

Fred mumbled beside me, a flash of silver flying past my head and out the door. "What the hell happened?" He pulled over a chair to sit beside me.

"Snatchers. They were monitoring the Tonks house and when I left they grabbed ahold of me and apparated me to the woods somewhere." I sighed. "I stunned the guy holding me and ran, but I tripped and kind of disapparated in a panic."

"Well, at least you got away." Mrs. Weasley shook her head. "We've had far too many close calls. I'm sure after you got away with your trial they'd have been thrilled to catch you."

George rushed through the kitchen door with his father close behind him. "Leah." He let out a sigh of relief and sat in the chair next to me once Fred moved aside.

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