3 - Late Night Snack

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"I hope they got on okay." I craned my neck to search for the boys on the platform but they were nowhere to be seen. Harry and Ron hadn't followed us through the wall between platform 9 and 10. It's possible they snuck past us though...we had been pretty distracted by the pet tarantula our friend Lee had brought with him again this year.

"They've done it once before." Fred shrugged from the seat next to me.

"They'll be fine." George assured me as Lee slid open the door to our compartment.

He sat next to George with an armful of treats from the trolley before holding one out to me. "Chocolate wand, Hadleigh?" Lee flashed me a huge smile as I gladly accepted.

"They're my favorites. Thank you." I returned the smile and unwrapped the chocolate before taking a bite. The chocolate was smooth on my tongue and tasted better than any of the Muggle candy I could buy back home.

Fred and George looked back and forth from Lee to myself. "How come she gets sweets and we don't?" Fred protested.

"She's pretty." Lee shrugged, opening up a chocolate frog. He took a second to examine the card tucked inside before sighing in disappointment. It must have been one he already had. "If she lets me hang around long enough people will finally see me for the cool guy that I am. First step to popularity is babes, boys."

I tried to cover my blush with an awkward laugh. Lee had always been flirtatious towards me—well, really all the girls. One of my roommates, Angelina, and I seemed to take the blunt of it though.

"I'm pretty!" Fred scoffed, still looking hurt until I held my chocolate wand towards his face so he could take his own bite. He seemed satisfied and thanked me through a mouthful of chocolate.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of blue from just outside the window. A familiar Ford Anglia hovered above the train, wobbling slightly. "Is that your dad's car?" I squinted to try and see who was driving as the car sped erratically through the sky.

"Those idiots." George shook his head, instantly aware of what was happening.

"Mum is going to kill Ron." Fred chuckled and leaned forward to sneak another bite of my chocolate while I was distracted.

*            * *

The train skid to a stop many hours later and I followed the three boys out to where carriages were already waiting. I couldn't help but be mesmerized once again by the view of the castle as we drew closer and closer. It was illuminated against the night sky, stars littering the deep blue. I know it's school but I truly love this place.

Slowly everyone filed into the Great Hall and we took our seats among the sea of Gryffindors already sat at the long table. All different foods were spread in front of us, carefully plated by the house elves that worked in the kitchens. Lee sat down beside me while the twins went around the other side. The three boys instantly dug into the feast like they hadn't eaten in days. I noticed Ron and Harry still hadn't joined us, as Hermione was sat without the two.

As the eating started to die down, Dumbledore stood from his place at the high table. My eyebrows furrowed when I noticed the man from the bookstore sat among the professors. Don't tell me he'll be replacing our old Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor. I was pulled from my thoughts by George's voice. "Come on, Leah. Let's ditch." The twins leaned across the table, both gesturing towards the open doors.

"You two better sit still and support your sister." I hissed as Dumbledore began his usual speech.

The two huffed before George muttered. "I bet she'll be sorted to Slytherin."

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