15 - Quidditch World Cup

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"I've missed you too, Mrs. Weasley." I giggled as the woman crushed me in a hug. Not that I'm complaining. I appreciate every hug I get, especially after months away from the Weasley home.

She released me and moved on to Hermione. "Oh I wish the two of you could just stay here with me forever. Such sweethearts." She grinned, turning to check on the biscuits she was making with breakfast. "They're just about ready. Why don't you two go wake the boys. Ginny is already out feeding the animals."

Hermione and I smirked at each other before making our way up the wooden stairs. A rude awakening sounds like a wonderful way to start the boy's day. Today, we needed to get up extra early to head out to the Quidditch World Cup. The sun hadn't even come up yet.

I stopped off at the twin's room while Hermione went up an extra level to wake Harry and Ron. I paused for a moment to try and plot how I would wake them before I slowly creeped into the room. Thankfully the boys are heavy sleepers. I shook my head as I took in the massive piles of clothing all over the floor. I shouldn't be surprised that the boy's room is still just as messy.

"Fire!!" I screamed, causing both Fred and George to shoot halfway out of bed. Once I realized how they slept, I was grateful it was only halfway. "Oi! Put some clothes on!" I groaned, quickly turning around.

"You come into our room and expect us to dress to your standards." George scoffed, starting to get out of bed in just his boxers.

"At least let me get out of here first." I squealed, covering my eyes with one hand and feeling my way out of the room with the other. "Oh and breakfast is ready!" I shouted once I was safely on the other side of the door. Ron, Harry, and Hermione came down the stairs just as I escaped.

Harry and Hermione looked at me with an odd expression while Ron gave me a sleepy smile. "I could've warned you that those two blokes sleep half nude."

"Too little, too late." I shuddered and turned to head back down to the kitchen, Harry and Ron's laughter echoing behind me.

There was already a spread of breakfast food along the long, wooden table the Weasleys had in their kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of the porridge Mrs. Weasley had made for us and brought a spoonful to my lips just as the twins came down the stairs in identical outfits.

"Mornin'!" George grinned as he trotted into the kitchen. Trailing behind him was a groggy looking Fred.

"Not a morning person, Freddie?" I giggled as he took a seat next to me.

He grumbled something inaudible and took a bite of his breakfast. It doesn't even look like he bothered to comb through his now long hair. I guess everyone skipped their summer haircuts from their mother this year.

"Good morning everyone!" Mr. Weasley entered the kitchen, setting down a large backpack before joining us at the head of the table. "Some of you look a bit more lively than others. Excited, Leah?" He smiled over at me.

"Is it that obvious?" I laughed before taking a sip of juice. I've been wide awake for hours now. I've never been to the Quidditch Cup before so I'm pretty energetic. The rest of the family must be pretty eager too as they scarfed down their breakfast like they hadn't eaten in days. The only members missing were Percy, Bill, and Charlie, all too busy with their jobs.

"Oh, Leah! I didn't ask you how you did on your O.W.L. exams?" Mrs. Weasley smiled, taking a sip from her teacup.

"Here we go." Fred groaned at the mention of the exams. George had wrote me to tell me that him and Fred did not do so well, and that their mother was furious.

"She got O.W.Ls in practically everything." George teasingly rolled his eyes.

"That's wonderful! I'm sure you did exceedingly well in Potions. George has told us how good you are in that class." Mrs. Weasley added. "John must be very proud."

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