30 - Inside Out

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I plopped down on the hard bench next to Ginny, reaching for a chicken and ham sandwich and instantly sinking my teeth into it. I could see her looking at me with a smug smile out of the corner of my eye. "What?" I asked with a mouthful of lunch.

"I knew it." Her smile got bigger.

"Did Fred or Ron tell you?" I rolled my eyes, the ends of my lips curling up in my own smile.

"Actually Hermione and I had bets on how long it would take for you two to get together. I thought it'd be before the Yule Ball so I'm out a galleon." She took a bite of her own sandwich as more people joined us at the table.

George sat beside me with a goofy smile. "Hello, love." He placed a kiss on my cheek.

Fred gagged, pointing a finger down his throat. "You two are insufferable."

"Are you jealous there, Freddie? We'll find you a girl to smooch." George teased, clapping his brother on the shoulder.

The two boys continued to rag on each other, Lee occasionally joining in on it. I ate the rest of my lunch rather quickly and dismissed myself to the common rooms. Thankfully, everyone was down at lunch or studying in the library. The common room was empty and mostly quiet. I could use a bit of peace before my afternoon classes. The only sound was coming from a small gramophone in the corner of the room. The music that came from it was so old that I'm sure it was popular when McGonagall started school.

Of course, just as I settled onto the couch with a book, George came in to distract me. "I knew you'd be doing something boring." He smiled before sitting next to me, his fingers instantly twirling around a strand of my hair.

"Well what did you have in mind if I'm so bland?" I smirked, marking my page and setting the book down.

"Everyone else is at lunch..." He looked between me and the stairs.

"What are you suggesting, Weasley?" I gave him a devilish grin as he lifted himself off of the couch.

He kept two hands on either side of my head, effectively pinning me back against the furniture. A smile crept onto his lips as he leaned in, ducking by my ear. "I think you know just what I'm suggesting...Hadleigh." He whispered, his hot breath fanning across my neck.

My heart raced as he took my hand in his, gently pulling me on my feet. I followed close behind him as we snuck up to his dorm.

The minute he got the door shut, our lips connected. His one hand ran through my hair while the other wrapped around my back. "We don't get a lot of time to ourselves do we?" He muttered as he pulled away.

"No we do not." I mumbled, pulling him down to me by his tie. I certainly wouldn't mind more alone time with him. It's hard enough for me to keep my hands off of him when Fred's around.

He gently guided me to his bed and I giggled when I flopped back onto the soft surface. He pulled away with a cheeky grin, planting kisses all over my face and down my neck. The thing I love most about fooling around with George is the laughter throughout. With every kiss my heart beat sped up until it was practically hammering inside my chest. My hands ran through his hair, tugging lightly on the long strands, causing him to let out a low groan into my neck and squeeze my hips a little tighter.

I once again connected our lips, a bit more desperately this time. His kiss is far more intoxicating than any amount of firewhisky I can imagine. My head is already dizzy with thoughts of George.

He cupped my jaw and deepened the kiss, his hands running along the small patch of exposed skin above the waistband of my skirt. Goosebumps littered my skin at the sensation of his hands against my bare skin. I felt them slowly drift underneath my jumper, his large hands running tauntingly slow up my abdomen.

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