46 - U-No-Poo

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"Step up, step up!" The twins shouted in unison as people began to file into their store. The three of us had gotten up bright and early this morning, Fred and George wanted to make sure they looked their best every day. Fred claimed that looking good was part of the reason they had been so successful. We hadn't quite got a uniform down for me, but I had decided on a blouse that happened to coordinate with the outfits they had chosen and a skirt.

"We've got Fainting Fancies." George grinned down at the swarm of students.

"Nosebleed nougats." Fred added.

"And just in time for school..." George smiled.

"Puking Pastilles!" Fred finished with a dramatic gesture towards the already crowded section that held their Skiving Snackboxes.

The two of them were having the time of their lives selling to all of these students. It was certainly worth all of the hard work over the last couple months. This has been their dream for years. Someone to carry on the pranking legacy. If everyone's buying their products that legacy will never die. Customers looked around in awe at the thousands of products lining each shelf. Children tugged their parents hands eagerly into the store before dashing through the aisles. There was quite a feeling of bliss to see the look of pure amazement behind their eyes—and I'm sure I had a similar look when I first stepped foot in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

I stood behind the till as the boys continued to advertise their numerous products. I was actually getting quite busy at the counter. A lot of customers bought the Weasley products as if they were school supplies. No one wanted to risk getting caught in class with no escape. People continued to file in all day. Most of the time they were drawn in by the fireworks or the flying toys whizzing by, but stayed for the ingenious products.

A younger boy was examining one of their products when the two twins approached him. "Into the cauldron, handsome." They spoke simultaneously, holding up one of the little cauldron shopping baskets. They sure do know how to get their products sold. They really make great salesmen. They had decided early on it would be best to advertise in person throughout the store—mainly ensuring they got to roam around and play with everything.

"Leah, dear!" I heard Mrs. Weasley's voice as she and her husband cut across the store. They had mentioned finally coming down the shop today and bringing the whole family, aside from Bill who had already been by. "How are you? Staying safe?" She practically pulled me over the till to give me a tight hug.

"Mum, it's the safest place we can be." George appeared to my left, Fred standing by my other shoulder.

"Not the way you two are provoking him!!" She hissed at the sight of her two sons.

"Ahhh. Are you referring to U-No-Poo?" Fred failed miserably at keeping a solemn expression. I knew exactly what she had seen. There was a large advertisement pasted to the front window that may come across as insulting to a certain no-nosed dark wizard.

'Why are you worrying about You-Know-Who?
You should be worrying about U-No-Poo.
The constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!'

"Yes, yes. One of our more controversial advertisements." George nodded.

"But certainly our funniest." His brother added with a laugh. A laugh that only George reciprocated as Mrs. Weasley was still glaring daggers at them while Mr. Weasley and I were too terrified to join in.

"I'm glad you think it's so funny." She shook her head, her brows furrowed. "I'm at home worried sick about you three and you're out here poking the bear!"

I was very thankful that a few customers approached me to check out so that I could avoid the uncomfortable scolding the two were getting. I had told them when I saw it that their mum would be livid—and I can't wait to say 'I told you so' later.

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