43 - Ministry of Magic

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The Thestrals began to move faster and faster until we slowly rose into the sky. The feeling was both exhilarating and terrifying. I've never flown in any way aside from an aeroplane in my life but the freedom I felt as we broke through the clouds was indescribable. Thunder crashed around us as we descended into a foggy London.

For some reason it was amazing to me to watch the people below. They were going about their daily lives...commuting from work, visiting pubs, and laughing with their friends. Completely oblivious to the turmoil facing a world of people among them—and maybe soon...them.

Ron held out a hand for me as I jumped off the tall horse-like thing, my feet tingled slightly from the impact. While I would love to know what the creature looks like, I hope I am never able to see it. I quickly pet what I assume is it's neck as a thank you before I turned back towards my red-headed friend and punched him lightly on the arm.

"What was that for?" He laughed and rubbed the spot.

"Laughing at me." I smiled as we walked ahead to join the rest of the group.

Harry was able to direct us into the Ministry of Magic and to where he thought his dream had taken place. He had gotten pretty familiar with the building after his visit here with Mr. Weasley for his trial the previous summer.

I could certainly envision Percy working here. This place seems to be all he had aspired for. The entire building was neat and well cleaned, not a single crack out of place. I can practically see him writing furiously on a desk full of parchment, a freshly pressed suit on his body and his red hair perfectly gelled back. It was a strange feeling to actually miss hearing him scold us for something idiotic we had done.

After getting into a rather odd elevator that seemed to move in every direction, the metal folding gate opened onto a modern looking corridor. The floor and walls were a glossy black. So clean that I could see my reflection in them.

"This is it." Harry confirmed as we opened a door at the end of the long hallway. "Lumos." We all uttered so our wands could illuminate the room. Inside were shelves and shelves of crystal balls. As far as we could see, and as tall as we could see.

We followed closely behind the Potter boy as he counted each row we passed—but he came up disappointed in the end. "It should be here!" Harry exclaimed, becoming increasingly frustrated while looking around. Everyone stayed quiet, letting Harry continue to search frantically around the room without any criticism.

"Harry? This ones got your name on it." Ron pointed to a small crystal ball on a shelf in front of him.

"What?" Harry furrowed his brows and slowly took the ball into his hands. He turned it over multiple times but nothing seemed to be happening. I tore my attention away from him and began to scan the room for anything out of the ordinary.

"Harry!" Hermione's voice echoed through the room. I whipped my head in her direction and saw a tall figure dressed in black walking slowly towards us. The mask he wore was similar to the one I had seen the night of the Quidditch World Cup, and it made my stomach flip.

"Where is Sirius?" Harry demanded while pointing his wand towards the Death Eater. I could hear an anger similar to the one that bubbled out the night Mr. Weasley was attacked.

"You know Harry you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams—" The Death Eater's mask vanished to reveal Lucius Malfoy. "—and reality." I shouldn't be surprised that the Malfoy's have a role in this. "Hand me the prophecy."

I felt my heart drop to my stomach. How could I not have realized this was a trap. I bet Sirius isn't even here or in danger. This was all a ploy to get Harry here.

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