23 - Escape

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I closed the cover of my Advanced Potions textbook and just sat at my desk, staring blankly ahead of me. The additional individual study Snape had assigned to me was something I was passionate about, but in this moment I couldn't get a single word to flow from my quill. My eyes traced over the intricate patterns of one of the old tapestries that decorated our dorm. I'd rather spend the rest of the day staring at this wall than leave my room. The thought of seeing George or Katie makes me want to scream.

I can't stop thinking about what I possibly could've done to make him want to ask her instead of me. My lament quickly transitioned into anger with the redhead. That bloke thinks he can kiss me, call me beautiful, and lead me on then turn around the next day and act like nothing's happened? I had heard many stories from the other girls in my year about the bastards they've dated but never thought George would make me feel that way.

I buttoned my school cardigan back up and decided I might as well try to get some lunch before everyone else. I might be angry but more importantly I'm starving. And sitting here feeling sorry for myself isn't going to satisfy my appetite.

"Hey, Leah!" Alicia greeted me as I walked down the stairs to the common room. A crowd of Gryffindors were gathered around the couches, probably getting ready to head down to lunch themselves. "Are you feeling any better? You sure ran out of McGonagall's in a hurry."

"I'm feeling fine." I offered her a small smile as I rushed out of the room. I'm still really not in the mood to be chatty. And I did not want to look around the room to see if Fred and George were among the crowd.

My plan to make it down to the Great Hall a bit on the early side was only partially successful. Just before I turned into the Great Hall a group of boys in fur coats approached me, all folding over in a curt bow. Stepping out from between them was Aleksandar.

"Leah." He smiled warmly at me.

"Hello." I did my best to return the smile despite my flustered state. "Can I help you with something?"

"Yes." He lightly grabbed my hand again. "Would you please come to the ball with me?"

I swallowed hard at the awkward situation, all four boys were awaiting my response. "I'm so sorry, Aleksandar. But someone's already asked me."

"Ah." He grimaced jokingly but quickly returned to his confident stance. "I knew I would have had to be quicker with such a pretty girl. Thank you for the time. And I hope I will still see you around the castle."

With that the four men walked away, clearing the path into the Great Hall. I took a seat next to Ginny and began to put some food on my plate. "I'll be going to the Yule Ball with you all." She grinned up at me. "Neville's asked me."

"That's so exciting, Gin." I clapped excitedly. "He's a really sweet boy."

She took a bite of her meal, speaking with her mouth full like her mother had scolded her for countless times at home. "Have you got a date yet?"

"I do actually." I offered a small smile in a failed attempt to seem optimistic about the night I was starting to dread. "Cedric asked me."

She was silent for a moment and I knew her eyes were scanning my face, trying to read my expression. "Hm."

"What?" I took a bite of my own lunch.

"I thought you might go with..." She leaned a little closer before whispering. "George."

"He asked Katie Bell." I shrugged, trying to act like it didn't sting to repeat out loud. In reality it made me feel like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I avoided looking up from my food so I wouldn't see her pitying looks. "Sorry Ginny but I really don't feel like talking about this."

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