60 - Romanian Guest

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"Ooo! Well, good morning." Mrs. Weasley was caught off guard by the two of us sleeping entangled with one another in her living room but smiled as she came down the stairs, her husband trailing right behind her. I carefully peeled myself away from George's chest. I could feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment, but I did sleep like a rock.

"How are you feeling, son?" Mr. Weasley poured himself a cup of tea.

"Feeling like a million galleons." George grinned at his dad as I stood from the couch. "I think I'll take a nice hot shower...get rid of some of this blood smell."

"Well, you'd better get a move on." His mother warned as she pulled out ingredients for breakfast. "Your sister and Hermione seemed to have similar plans when I woke them up."

George quickly stood, racing past me on slightly wobbly legs to get up stairs towards the bathroom. There was a loud commotion, followed by running footsteps and slamming doors. "George!!" Ginny screamed as she knocked hard on the wood and I knew he had managed to get in before her.

Mr. Weasley was sat at the table, contentedly sipping his tea as his wife was talking a mile a minute about what they would have to get done today. The two were usually early risers, but this morning it seemed they had ulterior motives for getting everyone up so early. Wedding preparation would need to be started straight away. Fleur had decided to be married right here at the Burrow as opposed to in France like she had originally planned. She didn't seem terribly upset about it, and as the day got closer I expected her to get more worked up. But she has been rather relaxed, stealing kisses with her future husband.

I decided I would head upstairs to get ready for the day so I would be prepared for when Mrs. Weasley asked for me to do something. When I got to Ginny's bedroom she was still grumbling as she sorted out her clothes for the day. "Your boyfriend's a real knobhead." She muttered. "I don't care that he's lost an ear. Him and Fred always use up all the hot water. Too many people in this house—"

Before her rant could go on any longer, the sound of a door prying open made her freeze her actions. Without another word she ran out. With even more commotion and the sound of a disappointed Fred, Ginny must have made it in for her shower.

Hermione and I got dressed in silence. She was even more quiet than usual, and I had overheard why the night before. She, Ron, and Harry wouldn't be going to school this year and were instead going on a mission Dumbledore had entrusted them with. Mrs. Weasley was pretty vocal about it before, but I imagine she won't let up on it for the next few days. The stress of whatever they would have to be doing in this mission showed on Hermione's face. Her brows seemed to be permanently knit together and slight bags formed under her eyes. I'm assuming the mission was the deciding factor for her altering her parents memories and sending them safe away.

"Hey, 'Mione?" My voice was soft as I watched her pull clothes from her trunk and set them in piles on her cot.

Her actions halted for a minute and she turned to me. Tears filled her brown eyes, her bottom lip quivering. I crossed the room in two strides to join her on the cot. She buried herself in my open arms, letting her tears coat the shoulder of my t-shirt. I squeezed her even tighter, lightly running my fingers through her brown hair.

"I—I'm scared." She admitted through her tears, something that I'm sure she's had to hide in the presence of her two male best friends.

"Hey, it's alright." I cooed, pulling away to look her in the eyes. "You are the smartest girl I have ever met. Whatever it is you have to do...you can and you will." I knew being hounded with more questions was not what she needed, so I stayed quiet despite the nagging curiosity in the back of my mind.

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