65 - The Trial

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I couldn't decide if the last two weeks had flown by or dragged on, but regardless the day of my trial had come on the same day Ginny would be leaving for school. The house was bustling, primarily with Mrs. Weasley attempting to keep herself busy and distracted. Ginny was sat on her bed next to her packed truck when I returned from my shower. "You'll OWL me right away to let me know what's happened right?"

"Yes...And if I can't I'm sure someone will." I made an attempt at a joke but my voice ended up cracking instead.

Mrs. Weasley walked into the room with a load of clean laundry for Ginny to pack. "I've picked out a nice dress for you, Leah." She mustered a smile, spreading out the fabric on my now made cot. "Thought it might make you look like we're taking this nonsense seriously."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." I offered her my attempt at a smile in return, running my fingers over the navy fabric. I retreated back to the bathroom to change and do my makeup in the mirror, though really I just need a minute to compose myself. I felt like today would be a constant struggle to keep my breakfast down.

Just as I had shimmied into Ginny's dress, there was a light knock on the door behind me. "It's me." George's voice came from the other side before he let himself in. He took in my appearance before carefully helping me pull up the zipper of my dress, the feeling of his fingertips dragging against my bare skin gave me chills. His lips pressed a soft kiss to my shoulder. "Are you ready?" He muttered, tucking a piece of my now curled hair behind my ear.

"How can I be?" I let out a breathy laugh. "I'm just scared. What if they take me away from you?"

"Love, there's nothing on this Earth strong enough to keep me away from you." He shook his head, turning me to face him. "You'll go in for your trial, they'll see who your mother was, and you'll walk out of there with a big middle finger to the pink toad."

I grinned up at him, pulling him down to my level by the collar of his shirt so I could have his lips against mine. Everyone had been reassuring me of the same thing for weeks, but it's hard to push down my own doubting thoughts. "I wish you could be there with me." I sighed, linking my fingers together behind his neck. "I need someone to be ready with Dungbombs in case I need to make a big escape."

His hands ran lightly down my sides before squeezing my hips. "Dad said the only people who have been able to accompany those on trial have been Ministry members. I don't think Umbridge would quite be willing to give an exception for me."

I nodded my understanding. I should consider myself lucky to even have Mr. Weasley with me today. Apparently many of the Muggle-borns have been alone. The trials haven't been widely talked about, even among Ministry workers, but rumor has it some have left wandless, jobless, and essentially homeless.

I followed George downstairs after I was physically ready for my trial, mentally would be a whole different story. Ginny was already downstairs standing by her trunk, chatting with Tonks. She must be accompanying her and Mrs. Weasley to King's Cross Station.

"Leah!" Tonks offered me a smile. "Good luck today. You'll do just fine."

"Thank you." I mirrored her expression. "Get Ginny to school safely, please." I pulled the red headed girl into a tight hug, both of us squeezing as if we didn't want to let go. "And you be careful. Don't stir the pot around the new Headmaster or those two new professors." I sighed, flattening down a piece of her ruffled hair. Snape had been announced as Headmaster shortly after the Minister was replaced. Two new teachers were hired as well, ones who I instantly recognized from the night of Dumbledore's death. Mrs. Weasley gave me a hug of her own before the three said their goodbyes.

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