62 - Bill & Fleur

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I busied myself with Mrs. Weasley to avoid any further teasing, and thankfully it seemed to work. Guests would be arriving any minute and I dare say the Burrow looked amazing. I used my wand to string the last bit of white and gold streamers from the ceiling of the tent before standing back, satisfied with what I had done.

"Looks great." Harry came up from behind me. I turned to thank him, nearly jumping when I came in contact with a curly haired redhead instead. I almost forgot he was supposed to be "Cousin Barny" today. I felt bad that he'd have to keep drinking that ghastly Polyjuice Potion all day.

"Thanks, Har—er—Barny." I smiled at him. "I'm gonna have to practice that so I don't slip up."

He nodded. "I wish I could forget I'm supposed to be someone else...whoever's hair we snagged sweats like a pig."

I laughed along with him, following him out to the white marque where Fred and George were waiting to greet the guests and show them to their tables. Both were already grumbling about the heat as the August sun glared down on them, and in this moment I was thankful that I got to wear a sleeveless dress.

"When I get married," Fred tugged at the color of his dress shirt. "I won't be bothering with any of this nonsense, you all wear what you like, and I'll put a full Body Bind Curse on mum until it's all over."

"If we find a girl who'll wanna marry you." I teased.

"If George can find a girl who'll shag him in a shed I think my chances are pretty good." He muttered under his breath.

I gasped, hitting him repeatedly until George nudged me through his laughter. "Hey, hey. Easy killer, our first guests are here."

A group of beautiful girls approached us, undoubtedly Fleur's Veela cousins. They giggled as they clung to each other's arms, throwing the same silvery blonde hair that Fleur had over their shoulders. Behind them was a group of middle aged women, looking just as eager.

"Alright, your Holeyness, since you've already got yourself a ball and chain I'm taking the veelas." He whispered before turning to the group of French women with a bright smile. "Here—permettez-moi to assister vous." He smirked back at us as the group of girls laughed lightly and allowed him to escort them to their table.

I gently took George's arm to get his attention. "I'm going to go find Ginny, okay?" He nodded, pressing a quick kiss to my lips before turning to the group of middle aged women that had finally approached.

"Oh, how sweet!" I heard one of them coo. "Is that your wife? So much young love in this family.."

"Not yet." I heard George loudly whisper to the group, causing a gaggle of squeals to erupt across them and butterflies to absolutely explode in my stomach.

The smile still hadn't wiped off my face as I approached where Ginny was standing with her mother and an elderly witch. "Oh, Aunt Muriel! You remember, Leah? Amelia's daughter?" Mrs. Weasley plastered on a fake smile as she beckoned me closer, a desperate look behind her eyes.

"Hello, Aunt Muriel. It's lovely to see you again." I smiled brightly as her scrutinizing eyes turned to me.

"The daughter of your Muggle-born friend, yes I remember. So I take it you're still friends with those boys?" She sneered, nodding across the yard to where Fred and George were greeting yet another group of people. I had almost forgotten her great detest for them after they set off that Dungbomb on her chair.

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