9 - Sighting

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I reread the same page of my latest book over and over again, but the words wouldn't have stuck if I could pick them up and shove them into my mind themselves. I was trying to pass the time until I leave to meet the Weasley's and head for yet another year at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, I'm far too excited to see my friends to focus on anything else.

I hardly talked to any of the Weasley's all summer. Their father had won a pretty hefty sum of galleons from some contest in the Daily Prophet and the whole family took a trip to Egypt to visit Bill. I'm a little jealous. Don't get me wrong I've enjoyed being home to spend some more time with my dad, but the Weasleys are sort of a second family to me. This is my first summer without any of Mrs. Weasley's cherry pie.

"You'll be safe won't you?" My dad swallowed hard as he followed me into the living room, dragging my trunk along with him.

"You say that every year." I laughed and pulled the man into a hug.

"Well last year they had a giant snake petrifying children. Forgive me if I'm a little nervous." He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"So the worst has already happened!" I assured him as I drug my trunk into the fireplace. "You're such a worry wart. You'd think you'd have been adjusted to this lifestyle after years of being in love with Mum."

"I'll never fully adjust to this life." He smiled down at me, wrapping his arms around me one last time.

Our hug was interrupted by the flash coming from our television in the corner of the room. Our local news reporter sat in the center of the screen, below her the words 'Breaking News' streamed across a red banner. "The public is warned that Black is armed and extremely dangerous. A special hot line has been set up, and any sighting of Black should be reported immediately..."

"Would you look at that." My dad tutted. "Maybe all the danger will be back home for once. Now hurry up or you'll be late. Be sure to tell Arthur and Molly I say hello."

I gave him one last goodbye before throwing down the Floo powder and disappearing into the green flames. I stumbled out of the fireplace and into The Leaky Cauldron where I was expected to meet up with all of my friends. The familiar musty scent mixed with the smells wafting from the kitchen of the small pub.

"Leah, dear!" I heard Mrs. Weasley call before I had even gotten down the stairs. She stood and rushed towards me, enveloping me in a bear hug. "I've missed you so much." She pulled back some to let me get a bit of air. "Of course we've been thinking about you all summer...some more than others." She whispered the last part to me with a giggle.

I turned around when I heard another pair of footsteps entering the room. "George! Fred!" I squealed, almost knocking George over with the force of my hug. "I missed you so much." I mumbled into his jumper.

We held each other there for a minute until Fred scoffed from behind him."What am I? Chopped liver?"

"Give me a bloody minute! I want to hug you all." I smiled, wrapping my arms around Fred's waist.

Both boys had grown their hair out over the summer. Now their red hair went just past their ears. And I feel like they both have grown a good bit taller. They tower over me even more than I remember.

I gave Percy a hug as well, despite him seeming rather preoccupied with talking about his new status as Head Boy. I can only imagine the boastful letter his girlfriend had gotten.

"And Ron! Look how handsome you've gotten." I pulled the younger boy into a hug, making his cheeks instantly redden.

"Notice how she didn't say how handsome we've gotten." Fred shook his head.

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