22 - Dates

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"This is mad." Ron huffed as he looked around the hall. All of the Gryffindors were gathered together for study hall, and we were supposed to keep quiet. "At this rate we'll be the only ones in our year without dates."

Snape appeared behind Ron and struck him on the back of the head, forcing his head to look back towards his work. It's always fun when he's monitoring study hall.

"Well...us and Neville." Ron whispered, pushing his hair away from his face. Harry and Ron exchanged a quiet laugh.

"It might interest you to know that Neville's already got someone." Hermione muttered causing Ron to groan. Neville looked quite proud of himself from where he was sat to my right.

"Now I'm really depressed." He pouted, getting back to his writing.

I exchanged a look across the table with Fred and nodded towards his younger brother, wordlessly asking him to help. He nodded back and scribbled something onto a piece of paper, passing it to his brother.

"Get a move on or all the good ones will be gone." Ron read out loud after unraveling it.

I rolled my eyes, kicking his brother lightly under the table. "That's not what I meant."

"Who are you going with then?" Ron asked.

Fred glanced back and forth for Professor Snape before rolling up a piece of paper and tossing it at Angelina. It hit her right on the shoulder and she slowly turned, looking rather irritated.

He pointed at her, then mimed dancing, and pointed both of his thumbs towards himself. Angelina nodded vigorously before resting her chin on her fist. She turned towards Katie and the two started excitedly whispering.

Fred turned back towards Ron and flashed him a dramatic wink. George and Neville were both laughing at the exchange.

"Romantic, Freddie." I sighed, getting back to my notes as Snape stalked towards the table.

Ron looked defeated when he leaned towards Hermione. "Well, Hermione...you're a girl."

I exchanged a look with George. It looks like Ron is finally going to buck up and ask Hermione. We've had a few conversations about the two. George is convinced they're secretly snogging but I don't think either one of them has even admitted their feelings to themselves.

"Oh, well spotted." She rolled her eyes. Harry frantically shook Ron's arm to get him to shut up but it was too late. Snape walked forward and smacked Ron upside the head with his book.

Ron rubbed the back of his head and continued talking despite our Professor's displeasure. "It's one thing for a bloke to show up alone. For a girl it's just sad."

"Oh, Ron. No." I sighed, my eyes not leaving my book.

"I won't be going alone because believe it or not someone's asked me." Hermione scoffed, gathering her books and handing them to Snape. "And I said yes." She spat before storming out.

"You are some kind of idiot." I rolled my eyes and followed her out after submitting my own book.

"Bloody hell. What's their problem?" I heard Ron as I walked away. He may be sweet most of the time but Godric is he an idiot if he's not picking up Hermione's signals.

* * *

I grabbed my books up into my arms and followed Cedric out of our Charm's class. He held the door open for me and I thanked him with a smile. With every day the break grew closer, Flitwick's classes got less and less controlled. Today we spent the entire class using the Gouging Spell to carve through pieces of stone. He even gave an award to the student who could actually make theirs look like something. The prize of a box of sweets was given to a Slytherin girl who managed to make her stone look like a unicorn.

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