84 - Pygmy Puffs and Explosions

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I took another bite of my apple as I picked up around the flat. The day after the wedding was spent in our own little state of bliss, a sort of mini-honeymoon, but the next day we threw ourselves right back into our usual routine at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. George and I had made a compromise. I take a two hour long lunch in the middle of the day, but I still get to do my work in the joke shop.

I guess it is sort of nice to get some time to keep up on anything I have to do in the flat. Plus, the boys usually come up and join me for half an hour to eat. Today though, they both packed sandwiches to eat downstairs. I think the new hire was supposed to be coming around during their lunch break. After the sitting room and the kitchen area looked somewhat presentable, I kicked my feet up on the couch and pointed my wand towards our small radio.

Angelina is supposed to be coming by for a visit tonight so I wanted to make sure everything was in order. Ever since the wedding, she and Fred have been seeing each other. He even took her on a few nice dates. He had spent half an hour before their first date overthinking his outfit until he finally had me pick one out for him.

I rest my hand on my distended belly, smiling when I felt the tiny tap against my palm. That'll never fail to astound me. My eyes fluttered closed for a few minutes, enjoying the sound of Freddie Mercury's voice. But my mind never left all of the things I have to do before closing. I know things will be more than covered out on the floor but I need to sort through our newest shipments. "Might as well get an early start on our work." I mumbled to my stomach. To an outside eye I may look crazy, but the healer said it's good to talk to my baby.

I grabbed a little bag of almonds as another snack and made my way back downstairs. The commotion was even louder than when I took my break. Verity was working the till below as Freddie demonstrated their newest firework invention to a group of wide-eyed teens on the middle floor.

When I made it down to the main floor, I noticed a young girl with her face pressed to the Pygmy Puff cage. She looked longingly at a small purple spotted one, her black hair tied away from her round face.

"That one's my favorite." I crouched down to her level.

"Really?" She gushed as the small creature shook out it's fur.

"Oh yes. She's by far the most cuddly." I carefully opened the cage door and scooped it up. "Would you like to hold her?"

The young girl nodded enthusiastically, her brown eyes wide. I gently placed the creature in her hands and it instantly rolled around happily in her palms. Small squeaks caught the child's mothers attention and she came over to stand by my side.

"How much?" She smiled down at her giggling daughter.

"Five galleons." I shrugged.

"Could I really have her, mummy?" The little girl was practically bouncing up and down, careful not to disrupt her potential pet.

"If you can promise to take really great care of her." The woman nodded. Her daughter squealed excitedly as her mother handed me the money. I placed the small creature into a travel cage and the two went on their way.

"You know if you keep giving things away for so cheap I'm going to start charging you." Fred came up behind me with a smirk.

"Take it out of my paycheck." He followed me over to the till where I handed the money off to Verity.

"We don't pay you." He laughed.

"Exactly." I winked. "Where's George?"

Fred furrowed his brows as he looked around the busy show room. "He was just here a minute ago. Maybe in the back room? That new shipment came in so he might be unloading those."

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