20 - Well Done Dragon

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"Are you nervous?" I asked Cedric while scribbling a few notes onto the paper in front of me. Harry had informed us that the champions were all tipped off that the first task would be dragons. He probably heard from Ron. The second oldest Weasley, Charlie, was home for the first time in a while this summer. I'm sure he let it spill that he'd be helping with the dragons. We're starting off on a pretty dangerous foot with this competition.

He shrugged as he flipped his page. "I guess a little. I just have to try to figure out how I'm going to go about it. There's not a whole lot of spells that will stun something as big as a dragon."

"Maybe you don't have to...you could distract it or something." I kept our voices hushed so no one would overhear. There would be trouble if anyone caught on to the champions knowing their first task.

"That's a smart idea, Leah." He smiled at me.

"No talking, please." Professor Flitwick looked over his glasses at us.

I shot him an apologetic look and returned to my work. After the class finished up, I walked down the halls with Cedric before free period. He'll most likely be finding his group of friends to goof off with any minute now. They always invite me along with them, but it normally leads to incessant teasing about Cedric and I. So I usually skip it.

A bright yellow circle adorned a lot of the people's robes who passed us. It looks like they had something pinned to the front. When a Slytherin boy passed particularly close, I was able to see that they had a smiling Cedric on the front. Just before I could comment on the badges, it morphed to a sickly green color. A photo of Harry appeared with the words 'Potter Stinks.' I furrowed my brows and looked over at my friend who thankfully looked just as confused as I was.

"I'm sorry. That was not me." He assured me. "I'm going to go talk to my friends about it." I waved goodbye to him and watched him jog out into the courtyard. Everyone is really giving Harry a hard time about this Tri-Wizard Tournament debacle.

                          *                   *                   *

I pulled on a solid jumper and a pair of jeans before tugging a brush through my bed head. The first task is today and I'm feeling such a swirl of emotions. A little anxious to watch my friends duel with a fire-breathing dragon, but also excited to see how they'll do.

"Leah, are you coming?" Alicia smiled from where she was standing in the door. Stood just beside her was Angelina and Katie. I nodded and began to walk with the girls towards the location of the first task.

Linking arms with Alicia, we made our way down the large hill. "So, Leah. What's going on with you and Cedric?" The three girls giggled like children at the mention of boys.

"Oh, nothing." I smiled. "He's just a really good friend."

"There has to be someone." Angelina egged on.

I shook my head. "Nope, no one." Just a rapidly growing crush on one of my best friends.

The girls must've grown bored of me as they moved on to who Alicia had been crushing on. I'd probably be more willing to share if Katie wasn't walking down with us. I hardly trust her after hearing all the gossip shared around our dorm room.

Thankfully, I was saved when Fred and George trotted up behind me. "Leah! We need your help." Fred shook a box with a few straps hanging off.

"We're going to be collecting bets on the first task." George grinned, lifting the straps of his own box over his shoulders.

"We'll see you ladies later." Fred winked before pulling me ahead. The three girls giggled at his flirtatious gesture.

"Were you enjoying a bit of girl talk?" George smirked at me.

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