33 - Fishing

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I ran up the beaten wood stairs until I came to the floor Ginny's room was located on. I brought my fist up to rap lightly on the door when it swung open. I was greeted by the usual bright eyes and wide smile of the only Weasley girl. "I thought I heard your voice." She pulled me into a hug that rivaled her mother's before gesturing towards where my trunk was sat beside an already made cot. "I haven't unloaded your stuff yet but I did make your bed."

"Thanks, Gin." I popped open my trunk, sorting through it's contents until I found some lighter clothing. "Your brothers and I are going fishing if you'd like to join."

I quickly changed into a pair of denim shorts and an old tank top. Clothes that I won't mind getting dirty. "I'll go see if Percy wants to join."

Ginny stopped me when I put a hand on the doorknob. "Don't waste your time." She grumbled, sorting through her drawers. "He's not here. I reckon he won't be for a long time...and I'm perfectly fine with that."

"What?" I furrowed my brows as I examined her. Her mouth was pressed in a thin line and I could tell just the mention of her brother was upsetting.

"Percy's moved to London. He's so far up the Ministry's ass that he couldn't believe Harry...or even his own family about Voldemort's return." She shook her head while pulling out her clothes. "When Percy got a promotion as Junior Assistant to Fudge himself, dad was worried he was just using him to spy on us, the Order, and Dumbledore. Him and dad really got into it. Percy said he'd been fighting dad's reputation since he got to the Ministry and that we grew up poor because dad was, in his words, lazy." Ginny cringed and I gasped at her words.

I knew Percy was all about the Ministry with his new job but I never thought he would take it this far. I had to withhold my anger at him and instead have sympathy for the family he abandoned. The Weasley's are so tight knit. "I wouldn't bring him up for a while...especially not to mum. She's just now stopped crying every time she passes his room."

Ginny quickly changed the subject as she caught me up on her summer. Apparently she had gotten over her crush on the Chosen One, and had moved on to Ravenclaw, Michael Corner. She changed her own clothes and we soon made our way outside. The boys were already standing by the pond. All three had discarded their shirts and I knew I'd have to focus extra hard on keeping my eyes on George's face. Puberty really hit both twins over the summer and it was obvious from their towering heights, broad shoulders, and muscular arms. Ron was carelessly skipping rocks across the water, instantly getting scolded by George for scaring away the fish.

"I don't think I've done this since the summer before our first year." I took the make shift fishing pole Fred held out to me.

"Don't worry. I put the worm on there for you." He jeered. "I remember how much you hate that."

"It's a massacred worm. It's weird if you don't hate it." I laughed and cast my line over the water. We've never had much luck fishing here but it's never stopped us in the past. We all rotated with the few poles we had. Laughing loudly when Ron finally caught a fish, but wouldn't take it off the line. He said it was too slimey.

Fred grabbed a hold of Ron by his elbows, pulling them behind his back so he couldn't escape. Ron wiggled against his grip while George unhooked the fish and held it up to their younger brother's face. "C'mon Ickle-Ronniekins." Fred laughed.

"Give it a snog." George grinned, the fish dangerously close to Ron's face as he turned his head from side to side in a failed attempt to stop his brothers. After a small struggle, the fish connected to Ron's lips and George tossed it back into the water where it swam off.

"Bleck." Ron gagged, furiously wiping at his lips. "Haven't we outgrown this?" He whined to his older brothers as the four of us laughed.

"Nope." The twins said in unison with matching grins. Fred grabbed him under the arms and George grabbed his feet before the two swung him into the pond with a big splash.

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