78 - Return to Wheezes

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The swirling darkness disappeared and the light of Diagon Alley was nearly blinding. My trainers landed hard against the slightly wet cobblestone, George's grip on my arm instantly tightening to sturdy me. "You okay, love?"

"Yes, Georgie. You don't need to ask every time we apparate." I rolled my eyes, playfully knocking my shoulder into his.

A low whistle escaped his brother's lips as all three of us looked up at the towering orange building. "It's been a while, old girl." Fred grinned, patting the frame of the shop door as he dug into the pocket of his jeans. He turned the key in the lock and swung the door open for the first time in months. It was odd to hear the cheery sound of the bell without it announcing the arrival of a new customer. The store was just as we had left it, unusually dark and quiet. I was so accustomed to the flash of fireworks and toys whizzing through the air.

"We've got our work cut out for us, Freddie." George chuckled, stepping inside behind me.

"I can work on getting inventory sorted out if the two of you get all the rearranging done." My fingertips trailed along the till as I moved behind it, blowing some dust off the cash register. "I'll need a couple of days to give this place a deep cleaning."

George wrapped an arm around my waist, patting my hip as he scooted me into his side. "I think we can get it done in no time with the three of us." He grinned down at me before placing a chaste kiss to my lips.

Fred groaned as we started our way up to our flat. "Are the two of you going to be this puke-worthy for the next six months?"

George rolled his eyes as he turned the knob, opening the door to the abandoned sitting room. A glass of water was still sat on the coffee table, probably left behind from one of the boys. The few plants scattered around the room were severely wilted, and I just know Fred is biting his tongue to not comment on them. The minute I brought them home from Longbottom's nursery he had teased me for not charming them to stay alive, though I insisted that tending to them the Muggle way was far more gratifying...and I stand by that. I'm not sure why I expected the flat to be any different than the shop, but in reality the whole place just needs a good dusting.

I moved through the room, grabbing the glass and setting it in the sink as I went. "We'll need to clear out all of this food." I foolishly dared to open the fridge. An overwhelming stench instantly hit my nose, my stomach lurching. I ran to the bathroom, nearly knocking Fred over in the process. It doesn't take much to set off my nausea but a fridge full of rotten food sure does it.

"You alright?" George flashed a crooked grin when I stepped back into the sitting room.

"Someone else'll have to clean that out." I laughed breathily and plopped down on the couch, grimacing when a cloud of dust surrounded me.

"I've got it." Fred chuckled. He ruffled my hair as he passed behind me.

George sat down beside me, rubbing a hand up and down my knee. "In the mean time...I'll go pick us up some dinner. Anything sound particularly appetizing or particularly unappetizing, love?"

"No but thanks for being so considerate, dear." Fred teased from the kitchen.

George raised his middle finger to his brother, his eyes not leaving mine as he waited expectantly for my response. "Nope." I shrugged, a laugh bubbling out. "Whatever you want sounds good to me."

"Alright. I'll be back in a few." He checked his pockets to confirm he had his wallet and his wand before heading out the door.

"I'll get started on this fridge if you want to get a start on sorting out the rest of the cleaning." Fred laughed, grabbing a trash bag from under the sink.

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