2 - The Weasleys

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After a bit of a bumpy landing, we tiptoed our way into the Burrow. Fred hasn't quite mastered the Ford Anglia but I'd say he did a pretty great job for his first time driving it. I paused for a moment to look up at the lopsided home ahead of me, my heart clenching with excitement. The Burrow had certainly become one of my favorite places. Primarily due to the large red headed family that inhabited it. George turned back with a small smile playing on his lips, waving a hand for me to hurry it up and follow him inside.

"Do you think it'd be alright if we had some of these?" Ron whispered as he pointed to a plate of freshly baked scones on the center of the kitchen table.

"Yeah mum'll never know." George shrugged, handing me one of the breakfast treats as well.

Harry looked around in awe as he took in the magic that seemed to seep out of every inch of the Weasley home. I remember being pretty surprised at the contrast to my Muggle home too. The dishes were washing themselves and it seems Mrs. Weasley had enchanted a pair of knitting needles to knit a colorful scarf. She did quite a lot of knitting. I have loads of hats, scarves, and sweaters of my own back home.

"It's not much...but it's home." Ron smiled through a mouthful of scone.

"I think it's brilliant." Harry grinned back at his best friend.

The sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs caused four of us to perk up, instantly recognizing the familiar sound of a cross Weasley parent. "So much for 'mum'll never know.'" I whispered to George as his mother burst into the room.

"Where have you been!?" She scolded, her eyes wide with bewilderment. I'm not sure how they expected to sneak out without being caught. The clock in their living room showed the location of each of the Weasley children. The boys and I slowly hid our scones behind our backs as her eyes settled on the brown haired boy. "Harry! How wonderful to see you dear." She smiled sweetly before she noticed me. "And Leah! I couldn't see you from behind George." I stepped forward to receive the Mrs. Weasley hug I've been anticipating.

"As for you three." She turned back towards her sons, her expression instantly switching back to an angry one. "Beds empty! No note! Car gone! You could've died! You could've been seen!"

"No one died." George shrugged, with a crooked smile that I'm sure his mother fantasized about slapping off.

"Leah was briefly out the window—but George caught her!" Fred justified before nudging me with a grin. I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. They've never been good at knowing what information to keep to themselves. I blame their lack of a filter.

"Now you're putting her in danger!? What would I tell John if she had fallen? She's all he has!" She took a step closer to the boys before taking a deep breath and turning back towards Harry and I. "Of course I don't blame you, dear. Or you, Harry." She gave the two of us a reassuring smile, shooting another cross look to her sons afterwards.

"She was the one who practically dove out herself." George grumbled under his breath. As I walked by him towards the kitchen, I jabbed him with my elbow making him grunt.

"Come on you two. Time for a spot of breakfast." She linked both Harry's and my arms with her own and lead us to the kitchen table before setting an extra place for each of us. Harry and Ron sat across from me while the twins took a chair on either side of me. "There you go, dears. Harry, I'm sure you're especially starving." She shuddered slightly at even the thought of a child with an empty stomach.

There was the sound of frantic footsteps as their younger sister appeared in her robe, looking slightly frazzled. I'm sure she's nervous for her first year at Hogwarts. "Mummy have you seen my jumper?"

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