10 - Black Dog

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The sun shone between the leaves of the trees surrounding us, leaving little jets of light on the dirt beneath our feet. Hagrid's voice echoed through the forest as he trudged ahead of our group of fifth years. "We've a bit of a change in lesson but I reckon it'll still be fun." A flash of worry crossed his face but he instantly brightened again, motioning for us to keep up.

"I hope it's dragons." Fred smiled, swinging his Care of Magical Creatures book as he walked.

"Yes, Freddie. I'm sure they've got deadly fire-breathing dragons at Hogwarts." I rolled my eyes, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Charlie gets to have all the fun." George kicked a rock down the path. "You know he sent us a photo of him sitting on a Swedish Short Snout? He's riding dragons and we're riding the train to Hoggy Hoggy Hogwarts." He huffed.

"If you're so jealous why don't you start trying harder in Care of Magical Creatures? Become dragon keepers yourselves." I bit back a smile at the image of those two trying to calm down a giant, scaly beast. I imagine their pranks and fireworks would be a good distraction though.

Fred scoffed as we emerged into a clearing in the woods. "Leah you know we'll be making our living on laughs."

"Alright, you lot. Gather round an' listen up." Hagrid clapped his hands together to get our attention. "Today we'll be learnin' about a creature that many of yeh have ter be familiar with." He walked towards a rock table that had a large cage on top of it, concealed by a tattered sheet. "A few of yeh might have one of these as a pet."

A rush of chirping sounds filled the air as he pulled the sheet off with a flourish. In the cage were four puffs of yellow hair, all a bit smaller than a cat.

"They're Puffskeins!" I gasped at the cute little creatures.

"Precisely, Leah." Hagrid smiled proudly as he pulled one of the creature's from the cage. He handed two to someone in each house. "Feel free to pass 'em round. Pay extra attention ter the soft texture of their fur. An' be careful not to let 'em go. These lil' buggers can be quite slippery."

I pet the silky yellow fur of the creature, a big smile on my face. I want about nine of these. I passed it on to an eager looking George.

"These just might be the cutest things I've ever seen." George cooed, rubbing over the creature's fur. The Puffskein hummed contentedly under his touch.

"You would like the most pointless creature, Weasel." A voice scoffed from the Slytherin group, followed by a chorus of laughter.

The group parted to reveal the Slytherin Chaser, Adrian Pucey. His dark hair was slicked back as a cocky smile was displayed across his face. The boys had grown a strong dislike for each other through their team's Quidditch rivalries. I think George driving a bludger into his gut during their last match was the final straw.

"Lay off, Pucey." Fred rolled his eyes and George passed the Puffskein over to the girl on his right, Katie.

"I shouldn't have been surprised that you'd take a liking to something so girly considering how you are with a bat." Adrian laughed, joined by his little posse.

"Doesn't it get exhausting being such an ass all the time?" I scoffed, earning laughter from the Gryffindors around us.

"Having your little girlfriend come to your rescue, Weasley's?" He took a step closer to me with an eyebrow quirked, his piercing blue eyes looking me up and down. "If you ever want to know what it's like with a real man...you know where to find me." He winked.

George jumped past me with clenched fists but Fred quickly caught his arm and yanked him back. "It's not worth it, mate." He assured him, sending one last glare towards Adrian as he pulled George away.

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