90 - Peanut Butter Pickles

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I sat back onto the couch, listening to the different CDs Fred was listing off. George had sent me to hang out with Fred at his flat above the shop for a few hours while he meets a potential investor with Lee. I'm trying to pretend he's not my glorified baby sitter, but that's essentially what this is. George had apologized profusely for having to leave no matter how many times I assured him it was okay. This particular investor could mean bringing Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes products to South America, so it's pretty important—and he is not Fred's biggest fan. Since it's the day after Christmas the shop is thankfully closed. Diagon Alley is covered in a thin layer of snow, but snowflakes continued to drift from the gray sky.

"Alrighty let's see." Fred sorted through the five CDs I had given him for Christmas along with his very own Muggle radio. "Sheer Heart Attack? Queen?" He rose his eyebrows, waving the disc in the air.

"Perfect." I smiled as he set it in the tray and hit play. The upbeat music reverberated through the room. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the place hadn't completely gone to the dogs when George and I moved out, but we may have Angelina to thank for that. The mantle was still littered with the same photographs. Many depicted us through the years at Hogwarts, but a few had been taken by Mrs. Weasley during summer holidays. Almost every one had the three of us together, aside from a group photo of the entire Weasley family. I'm not sure why I expected the flat to change drastically after we hadn't even been gone a month.

Fred grabbed a blanket off the back of the recliner before sitting down beside me, draping it over my legs. "You've gotta be hungry...it's been like an hour." He teased with a light nudge of his elbow.

"Ha. Ha." I rolled my eyes, trying to fight off my grin. "I could eat."

"Good...there's something I really want to do." He smirked down at me.

"Yeah?" I quirked my brow skeptically.

"I want to try out some of the weird food combinations you've been eating lately." Fred had a wide smile on his face as he grabbed ahold of both of my hands to help me up off the couch.

"Okay...no judgement?" I asked, following him to the fridge.

"No judgement." He confirmed as he pulled open the door.

"Grab the bacon and that jar of pickles." I instructed and moved over to the cupboard. I was surprised to see it was actually well stocked. I pulled out a few bars of chocolate, the peanut butter, and a bag of crisps.

Grease popped from the pan as Fred laid out strip after strip of bacon, the most delicious smell coming along with it. He, very poorly, sang along to Lily Of The Valley as he cooked. "Baby you've been had!" He practically screeched, shaking a head of slightly longer hair so it was out of his eyes. He's been growing it out since the summer.

I looked over the ingredients I had, contemplating how I was going to do this. I ultimately decided to dive right into the most interesting combination. I made George try it a couple of weeks ago and he loved it. I unscrewed the jar of peanut butter, dipping one of the pickles inside. After I had gotten a good bit of peanut butter on it, I held the pickle up to Fred's face as he flipped the bacon.

"Merlin's balls Leah!" He grimaced and quickly turned his head away.

"Hey don't knock it till you try it." I held it even closer to his mouth until he slowly leaned forward, trying to hide my excited smile.

He took a cautious bite, chewing the combination before a smile spread across his face. "I'm sorry I ever doubted you."

"Right?" I laughed before taking a bite myself. "It's really good in a sandwich actually."

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