7 - Serpents

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I followed the sea of students through the hall, panicked chatter erupting through them. After the first student was petrified, Lockhart felt that the school would benefit from a dueling lesson from him. Apparently, the extent of his knowledge is what we're relying on to defend ourselves. We'll all be petrified by the end of the week.

"If this is stupid and you ditch please don't leave me behind." I groaned, leaning my head onto George's arm.

"You mean when this is stupid." George and Fred exchanged a laugh. "We'll give it ten minutes."

Snape must've overheard them as he was already boring a hole into their skulls with his stare. "Ms. Hadleigh. Why don't you come stand over here...where you can't be distracted." He called from across the room, drawing everyone's attention to me. I think it might just be his goal this semester to embarrass me at any moment.

"Dammit." I mumbled as I slowly maneuvered through the crowd until I was stood by the professor. A few Slytherin's sniggered at the savage nature of the head of their house.

"I would mind you to find a crowd that won't get you into so much trouble." He spoke while keeping his eyes focused on Lockhart as he started his presentation.

Our current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor explained the importance of dueling skills. Of course he couldn't help but plug his latest book numerous times throughout his presentation. I rolled my eyes as he prattled on. "Dolt." I muttered under my breath, earning a look of distain from my Potion's Professor. But I swear I could see his lips twitch in a smile before he caught himself.

Lockhart paused to toss his cape into a crowd of girls, all squealing and trying to grab it before the others. I rolled my eyes at the group. Alicia, Angelina, and Katie are constantly talking about him during study sessions in our dorm. I just can't quite see the appeal.

This presentation is already torture. But at least we'll get to see a couple of duels. Harry and Draco were called up to demonstrate. It doesn't really seem like a good idea in my opinion considering the strong contempt the two carry for each other.

As could be expected, Draco struck Harry with a charm before Lockhart had counted to three. Fueled by their anger, the boys continued to shoot charms across the room in a frenzy. Lockhart failed to get control of the boys as Snape just stood idly by and watched the mess of a duel.

"Serpensortia!" Draco screamed out and a snake appeared from his wand, slithering across the long table.

"That's where I draw the line." I shuddered. I took advantage of Snape's attention being drawn to the duel and found my way back to where the twins were standing. Waaaay back from the table. Snakes are the one thing that really irk me and I was not going to just stand by and wait for it to strike me.

Once I turned back towards the action, George grasped onto my waist and jolted my body in an attempt to scare me. "Quit, you dung brain." I smacked him on the chest. You'd think they'd be more sympathetic of my intense fear of snakes.

The boys snickered to themselves as we watched the scene continue to play out. Harry was whispering to the snake in some weird language and it seemed to be effectively distracting it. The serpent froze in a trance-like state, its eyes locked on the boy. Before the creature had the chance to do any harm, Professor Snape shot a spell at the snake that caused it to disintegrate. I really need to learn that one.

Snape and Lockhart cleared the room after Harry ran out. He was embarrassed of the whispers he heard after commanding that snake's attention. A few made jokes about him being the real heir of Slytherin and the reason behind all of these attacks. Poor Harry is always a target for any gossip.

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