88 - Move In

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"Careful, love." George's laugh echoed through the air around us. One of his large hands effectively blindfolded me as he used his free hand to guide me. "Just a couple more steps."

"You do know you showed me a picture of it, right?" I giggled, clutching onto his arm in an attempt to sturdy myself.

Today we were moving into our new home. I can't even process the fact that tonight we'll be sleeping in a place of our very own. Who knows how long we'll be able to enjoy being on our own though—my due date is in just ten days. Definitely not the most ideal time to move, but the use of magic makes it much less stressful.

"Pictures don't do it justice, love." George pulled away his hand with a flourish. "Tada!"

"George." I gasped and eagerly walked up the path, my husband following closely behind with a wide smile.

The house was even more charming in person. The old stone that made up the house had ivy crawling up the sides, some even reaching the window panes and settling there. The yellow shutters were faded from the sun, but brought so much life to the front of the house. The shingles of the roof were missing in parts, and I could tell that George would be needing help from his brothers to replace it. The bushes in the front yard were overgrown, occasionally grazing my side as I walked up the small path of stone pavers to the front door. I can't wait to see what it looks like in the springtime when everything's all green and blooming.

When we stepped inside, we walked right into a small entryway. Our belongings littered the house, all packed neatly in a multitude of boxes. George had apparated everything this morning as I packed up our last bit of clothing and toiletries. To the right was an open room with an old brick fireplace, large enough to be connected to the Floo network. A large bookshelf was built into the wall on one side of it, bare but full of potential. I can't wait to fill it with family pictures, knickknacks, and of course my favorite books. I ran my fingertips along the mantle, spending extra time over the small notches bestrewn on it. A giant bay window allowed light to pour through. The wooden floors beneath our feet were weathered in the most wonderful way.

George continued to tell me about the house as he led me through every room. Just past the sitting room was a large, open kitchen. The back wall held countertops with some overhead cupboards, a stove, a sink, and even an old refrigerator. A large cupboard was tucked beneath the set of stairs along the back wall for some extra storage. I lightly ran my hand over the white paint, a smile gracing my lips. "I know it's a lot of white but—" George started.

"No, I love it." I interrupted. Truthfully, I had already fallen in love every inch of this kitchen. I couldn't have picked a better one myself.

"This is one of my favorite parts, c'mon." He grinned at my amazed expression. Every little detail of the house was positively perfect. It reminded me so much of the Burrow, character poured out of every corner even without any of our belongings unpacked.

He led me up the rickety stairs to the top floor. There were four doors in the hall, two opened to small rooms and one to a large bathroom. The bedrooms were somehow both airy and intimate with little nooks and alcoves everywhere. George put a hand on a fourth door at the end of the hall, a goofy smile on his face. "Now for a room that will surely become the most used in the house..." He paused to cheekily wink at me before pushing it open. "Our bedroom."

I gasped at the sheer size of it. In the center of the opposing wall was our bed, the iron frame pressed against it. The wall to the right had another large window, a small bench nestled into the wall beneath it. With my mouth still agape, I took in the view of our spacious backyard. The grass needed a trim and the garden was as overgrown as the front lawn. Trees littered the back, an old tire swing hung from one of them. Two red squirrels chased each other up another tree, bees buzzing around some of the wildflowers growing in the garden.

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