29 - Three Broomsticks

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"I love trips to Hogsmeade." George pulled away from our kiss with a smirk. Shortly after we had got here, he had me pinned against the wall in one of the few secretive locations we've discovered. Things had heated up quickly between us. I haven't decided if it's because we're so comfortable with one another or if it's because we had held back our feelings for so long. Maybe a bit of both.

"Is it the trips you love or the many places to sneak off to?" I cocked an eyebrow, leaning my head against the cool brick wall behind me.

He paused like he was thinking. "No...I think it's the snogging that comes with the sneaking off."

We dipped out of the small alley we were hiding in and back onto the crowded street. "You know I think Fred is getting more weirded out by us sneaking around and acting odd around each other than he would be if we just told him we were together."

"Woah, woah. I wouldn't say you've quite tied me down yet." George teased me as we walked back to The Three Broomsticks. "It's gonna take a lot more than a pretty smile and dazzling green eyes to get my attention. Maybe if you throw a butterbeer in the mix."

"Hey! You owe me a butterbeer for getting you all of those extra bets." I scoffed. "And now you owe me two for that idiotic comment."

"That deal was off the minute you missed the betting for the second task." His laugh echoed through the air.

"I was under a sleeping enchantment at the bottom of a bloody lake!" I punched his arm but couldn't help but join him in laughter.

We entered The Three Broomsticks, the smell of wood, roasted meats, and butterbeer filled our noses. The atmosphere was warm and the usual Saturday crowd mingled with the students from Hogwarts. George tapped my arm, nodding to the bar to silently tell me he was getting the both of us a drink. I searched the pub until my eyes settled on our friends. Hermione, Ron, Lee, and Fred were sitting at a big table towards the back.

"Hey guys." I smiled and took the open seat next to Hermione. The four of them were all staring at me like I had grown a second head. And for a minute I thought I might have. George and Fred test out a lot of their pranking products on me. "What?"

George came by shortly after and set a mug overflowing with warm butterbeer on the table in front of me. He slid into the seat next to his brother, oblivious to everyone's stares.

"Elephant in the room. Why are you two constantly sneaking off and what are you doing when you are sneaking off?" Lee grinned from across the table, waggling his eyebrows.

"Please don't answer that second question." Ron groaned before he turned to Lee. "She's like a sister to me, mate."

"What? I mentioned that I had to go to Gladrags and George said he did too." I scoffed. I'm a horrid liar.

"I needed a nice pair of embroidered socks." George tried to back me up but was struggling to keep a straight face.

"You don't have any bags." Hermione pointed out with a giggle.

"Leah and I are together." George burst out. "And to answer your second question...just a bit of snogging." I looked at him with my eyebrows rose and a slight smile on my lips. I can't help the little surge of joy I felt at him finally bringing our relationship to everyone's attention.

The table was quiet for a minute, all four sets of eyes darting between the two of us. "Finally you tell me!" Fred punched his brother on the arm.

"What?" George laughed, rubbing the spot he'd now been hit twice today.

"I'm your twin." Fred scoffed. "You think I couldn't tell you've fancied her for the last few years? And now the two of you are acting weird and mysteriously disappearing at the same time. I'm not an idiot."

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