82 - The Wedding

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"Hush! Haven't you heard you're not supposed to wake a sleeping pregnant woman?" Ginny's voice hissed from somewhere behind me.

"That's not a thing!" Hermione whisper yelled back.

I rolled my eyes with a grin as I slowly disconnected myself from my pillow. One of George's old Christmas jumpers fell off my bare shoulder when I sat up. Both girls were sat on the edge of the bed with bright smiles on their faces, the sun shining through the four pane window of Ginny's room.

"Good morning." Hermione chirped. "The boys made it back in one piece. Though Ron may not get up until five minutes before the ceremony."

The door behind her swung open, all of our heads turned to the man behind it. "Why is there a shirtless Gilderoy Lockhart poster pinned on the wall downstairs?" Fred laughed with a shake of his head.

"Long story." I yawned before smiling up at him.

"A few things," He started, leaning his shoulder against the door frame. "One—happy wedding day, love. Two—I kept up my end of the deal and Georgie is feeling right as rain."

"Thanks for the update, Freddie." I giggled, standing to gather some of the toiletries I had stowed in my bag as he began to leave.

"Oh!" Fred poked his head back in the door. "And I'm supposed to ask...how are you feeling?"

I rolled my eyes but couldn't prevent the corners of my lips curling up. "Tell George I'm feeling just fine. Though the baby did keep me up all night again with it's constant kicking."

"That's gotta feel so weird." Fred shook his head, eyes wide and an eyebrow quirked in disbelief. "Welp. I'll see you in a few hours, Leah!"

With that, Fred disappeared from the room and left me alone with two thirds of my bridal party. Hermione went downstairs to bring us up some of the breakfast that Fleur and Mrs. Weasley were already working on while Ginny giddily ushered me into the bathroom to get ready. They've really got me feeling like Rapunzel in an attempt to keep George and I separate before the wedding. I'll be locked up in the top half of the Burrow all morning. Ginny is literally guarding the bathroom door while I shower. A bit over the top if you ask me, but there's no arguing with her.

I stripped myself of the pajamas I had been wearing before leaning over to turn on the water. The warm water was the perfect greeting to the start of my day. From what I could see from the slightly cracked transcend window in the shower, it was a beautiful day. The wedding set up was out of my view but the expansive fields just beyond the Burrow were teeming with bright colors and the occasional animal. Though I couldn't see anything, I could already hear the voices outside. Mr. Weasley's rung louder than the others as he directed his son's help. A combination of nerves and excitement coursed through my veins. In a few hours I'll be George's wife. I don't think eleven year old me would believe it...or she'd probably have crinkled her nose in mock disgust.

After thoroughly washing myself and shaving my legs to the best of my ability, I stepped out of the shower and pulled on my bridal underwear. The steam slowly poured out through the slightly open window, clearing the foggy mirror in front of me. I took a moment to scrutinize my appearance in the mirror. This isn't exactly how I dreamed I would look on my wedding day—well I guess I never imagined myself pregnant in general. Stretch marks were starting to litter my distended belly. While I'm trying to be proud of my body for accommodating the new life inside of me, I'm really banking on Fred and George figuring out some sort of cream to get rid of those. If they can do it with zits, they should be able to figure this out too.

"All done in there?" My future sister-in-law called from the other side of the door.

"Yeah. Just let me put my robe on." I called back, shrugging my soft bathrobe onto my shoulders to cover up before opening the door.

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