64 - Registry

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The next morning, I sat on the window nook in the sitting room and looked out at the now dark sky. I don't understand how it could have gone from the lovely sunny August day we had yesterday, to the dismal sky above me. Gray clouds swirled in the air, giving it the appearance that it would storm any minute. The bees that had once flocked around the brightly colored flowers scattered around the Burrow were no where to be seen. The faded t-shirt I wore belonged to George, and occasionally slipped off my shoulder. I wasn't in any mood to change from my pajamas this morning. I took a sip of tea from my steaming mug when I heard a stair creak. "Good morning." Mrs. Weasley appeared. "Would you like to lend a hand for cooking up some breakfast?"

"Of course." I offered her a small smile and padded into the kitchen.

She was more quiet than usual. But I don't blame her given the circumstances. We worked in silence. Her cooking sausages as I made the eggs. "The first half of the wedding was lovely."

"Yes it was." She agreed. "I was skeptical about those two having not been together for long and being so young but Fleur is a wonderful bride for my son."

I scooped the eggs into a dish, covering it so they would keep warm until everyone was ready to eat. I gathered my dishes and went to move them to the sink when I noticed Mrs. Weasley already there. She was furiously scrubbing at the pans, the sink filled with hot soapy water. "Why don't you just use a spell?" I laughed slightly. "I think I've only seen you actually wash the dishes when—" I stopped mid-sentence when I noticed the tears streaming down the woman's rosy cheeks.

"I just want to feel like I have control of something." She shrugged before breaking down even further. "I'm sorry." She apologized. I hardly ever see her cry. She's too busy being strong for her children. I wrapped my arms around her, letting her quietly weep into my t-shirt. Or technically George's t-shirt. We held each other, both of us squeezing for dear life. The pressure of keeping herself together during all of this is too much for one person to hold.

"I'm so tired of the constant fear for my children's lives." She sobbed. "Ron is out there with his two friends doing Godric knows what, probably involving V—You-Know-Who. And they're only children. They haven't even finished their schooling yet." She sniffed, pulling away from our hug so she could pat her eyes dry. "There's no way to even contact them without putting them in danger. Then Fred, George, Charlie, and Bill have all decided to join the Order—and I'm immensely proud of the wonderful boys I've raised—but Merlin, Leah, how do I handle knowing they could be killed at any time? And don't even get me started on P-Percy—"

I didn't say anything, just blinked away the tears that were starting to form in my own eyes as I watched her come apart. What could I say? I don't have a clue the pain of watching all of your children be put in danger every day. I reached forward and grasped her hand in mine in an attempt to show my support. She gave it a single squeeze before wiping away her tears. "Thank you, dear. Sometimes you make me feel like I have my Amelia back. So kind...you're just like her you know. You just have a presence about you..." Her lip trembled as even more tears threatened to spill over at the mention of her best friend.

Just as I had poured her a cup of tea to calm her shaking hands, the twins bounded down the stairs with Ginny hot on their heels. "Morning, Mum." Fred and George spoke in unison before giving their mother a kiss on each cheek, oblivious to the pain the woman was in just minutes ago. They sat down around the table as we set out the breakfast we had made. Mrs. Weasley seemed to have instantly put up her facade the moment her children were in view. Bill and Fleur joined us shortly after Mr. Weasley had sat down. Everyone eagerly served themselves and began to dig in.

"I'm sorry the two of you won't get any sort of honeymoon." I smiled sympathetically at the newlyweds.

Bill gave his bride a kiss on the cheek before turning to us. "We were actually thinking we would go to the Shell Cottage and hide out there. Have our own sort of honeymoon."

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