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The sound of various owls and cats from the students around us nearly drowned out George's voice. The platform was packed with parents saying their goodbyes to their children—so much so that our family was huddled together as close as we could.

"Alright, you four remember to—" George looked to each of our children.

"Bye, Mum! Bye, Dad!" Emelyn waved before turning and jogging off.

"Em, wait!" He called after her, but to no avail. It was her last year at Hogwarts and she had been talking all summer about how excited she was to see her friends. We watched as she joined up with a tall boy. He was quite handsome with long dark brown hair and tanned skin. He put an arm around her as the two disappeared into the awaiting steam engine. "Who the hell was that?" George furrowed his brows.

"Donovan Pucey." Grant spoke up.

"A Slytherin boy she's been sending an awful lot of owls too." Felix added, a half smirk spreading across his face.

"Pucey?" George groaned, his eyes searching the crowd for confirmation. Sure enough an older-looking Adrian Pucey walked by a second later, a smirk on his face as he gave my husband and I a two finger salute. His arm was wrapped tightly around a beautiful woman as they disappeared back through the brick wall. "She could have picked anyone else." George grumbled.

"George." I laughed, lightly slapping his chest. "You've got to at least give the boy a chance. I'm sure he's perfectly nice."

The twin boys exchanged an equally skeptical look and I quickly nudged Felix to quit it before their father noticed. Felix and Grant would be going into their third year. Unfortunately they reminded me a little too much of two twin boys I had gone to school with. They seemed far too eager to visit their father and uncle's joke shop in Hogsmeade this year. I just hoped Fred wouldn't be in to influence them that day.

My attention was suddenly drawn to the eleven year old girl standing a little closer to me than normal. Her brown eyes scanned the crowd, observing the other kids who looked to be her age. She looked up to me and instantly tried to put on a confident smile. Auden was never as bold as her three older siblings. She tended to wade into the water while they dove in head first.

I tucked a piece of her sandy brown hair behind her ear, running my fingers through the waves as she leaned into me. "I was nervous my first day, you know?"

"You were?" She quirked a brow. "Daddy always talks like you were just like him and Uncle Fred in school."

I rolled my eyes, my gaze flickering over to where George was pretending to be deep in conversation with his sons. The smile that twitched on his lips let me know he had heard. "Well your Dad and Fred were bad influences on me, but I never felt like I was nearly as brave as the two of them. They brought me out of my shell a little until I felt just as daring even when they weren't around." I paused our conversation to hug and kiss each of my twin boys, letting them run off to join their friends on the train.

"But you married Daddy and see Uncle Fred almost every day. When have they not been around?" Auden pointed out.

"That's not the point." I teasingly pinched at her side. "I'm saying, you'll will find someone that makes you feel just as confident."

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