67 - Dora

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I leaned back into George as we looked out over the pond just beyond the Burrow, pulling my feet up onto the bench in the process. It was an uncharacteristically warm March day. I was comfortable with one of George's old jumpers, paired with a pair of faded jeans and my worn trainers. The water rippled slightly with the movement of the fish beneath the pond's surface.

George's arm was draped around my shoulders, his large hand encased in mine as I played with his fingers. "You know it's been three years since we actually, you know, got together." He mused.

I paused, thinking for a minute. In an odd way it's felt like we hadn't been together for that long. Maybe because it felt like we wasted so much time unsure of our feelings. "You know what you're right." I gasped.

"Does this make me better at our relationship than you?" He teased, tickling lightly at my sides.

"Yeah, keep up those kind of jokes and see where it gets you." I rolled my eyes, a smile playing on my lips. I didn't want to get up any time soon. Fred would probably be back home any minute now, thus halting our weekly alone time. He's been regularly meeting with Lee for their broadcast of Potterwatch, a radio program they started to update supporters of Harry Potter.

"All of this will be over soon." George sighed, my body shifting slightly with his deep exhale.

"And then what?" I looked up at him.

"I think we've been over this before." He mockingly rolled his eyes. "Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes expanding, Freddie and I the youngest—and most handsome—entrepreneurs in the Wizard World, and you and I starting our lives together." He gestured with his hands as he spoke and straightened up slightly at the talk of the future, the prospect of all of this being over was so exciting to think about. A big smile was spread across his face, his eyes fixated on the clouds as he talked. My heart was racing with every word he spoke. I always knew that I pictured spending the rest of my life with George, and this isn't the first time we've talked about it, but the thought of it being so close to reality has me feeling like I'm floating. "—at the rate he's moving wherever we end up living we'll need a little suite for Freddie."

I laughed out loud, throwing my head back at the thought of Fred living with us until we're wrinkled and old. "Godric. The funny thing is...I think I'd let him."

"Yeah, you share a room with him your entire almost twenty years of life." He shook his head, though the bright smile never left his face.

As if on cue, Fred apparated nearly right in front of us. He was grinning ear to ear as he stepped through the barrier. "Dawww. Look at you two." He gushed. "So young, so in love."

I rolled my eyes, letting my trainers hit the grass once again as I sat back up. "Well, it was the perfect hour until you came back." I jested and stood. I stretched my arms above my head as he approached.

"I missed you too!" He smirked, using both hands to aggressively tussle my hair before dipping into the house.

"I think I see what you mean actually." I turned to George with a frown, attempting to straighten out my hair.

His laugh echoed behind me as I followed Fred inside. Mrs. Weasley was knitting in her armchair, humming along to the quiet warbling of her favorite witch from the radio. "Leah, dear. I'd have thought you would have left by now." Her brows furrowed, peering behind me at the enchanted grandfather clock. The spoon that held Fred's face ticked from 'Traveling' back to 'Mortal Peril.' Ever since Voldemort's return everyone's spoons have rested in that position, which I guess technically is true.

"Oh, Merlin, I nearly forgot." I gasped. I'm supposed to be at the Tonks' house in five minutes. I have hardly seen my friend since she announced her pregnancy. By now she has to be huge. I think she mentioned being due in March. "Well, I guess I'll be back in a few hours."

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