51 - Christmas Pudding

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I woke the next morning to an overflowing stocking hung on the post of the bed. Ginny stirred to my left, blinking sleepily at me before a smirk spread across her face. "Happy Christmas, Leah. Or did you already celebrate?"

"How are you already this snarky so early in the morning?" I yawned, pinching her side as she laughed and jumped to an upright position. She crawled over me to get to her own stocking, already digging into some of the treats inside.

"What eez is she talking about?" Fleur pulled an eye out from beneath her silk eye mask from where she was slept on a cot on the other side of the room. Somehow she looked far more put together than Ginny and I.

"Well," Ginny hesitated to include her in our gossip but seemed to have decided that it was Christmas and she would be nice. "Leah took half an hour to wash our mugs last night...and George was helping her." She put air quotes around the last two words before shuddering at the thought.

"'Ow romantic...eez so passionate!" Fleur gushed with a giggle. I was relieved to see she had a full stocking of her own at the foot of her cot. It was slightly less overflowing than Ginny and I's, but full nonetheless.

The three of us took our time getting ready, Fleur seemed so happy to be included by Ginny that she was hesitant to leave when Bill came in to get her. I gave her a big smile as she left with him so the two could exchange gifts in private. My fingers were still tangled in Ginny's smooth hair, carefully braiding a few pieces. "You know there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about, Ginny."

"What's that?" She awkwardly tried to crane her neck to read my expression.

"Harry." I stuck a pin in the strand I had finished braiding and begun another.

"What about him?" She muttered, her attention suddenly focused on her hands in her lap.

"Well...I don't know. I guess I was just wondering if something happened. Just—I've noticed a shift in energy I guess."

"I'm dating Dean." She shrugged simply.

"Okay..." I hummed, deciding it best not to prod any further. I pinned back the last piece before standing and straightening the maroon dress I was wearing. "I'm going to go see George, alright?"

Once she nodded and smiled, I walked down the hall, passing Fred as he left the room. "Hey." He pointed a threatening finger towards me. "Hands to yourself, young lady."

"No promises." I teased before dipping into their room and shutting the door between us. When I turned George had his back to me, fumbling with the buttons of his waist coat. He looked quite handsome and had really dressed up for dinner this Christmas. "Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas." He echoed, watching as I adjusted his waistcoat, tucking in a few places where his dress shirt was still hanging out.

"There." I grinned, leaning up on my tippy toes to place a kiss to his freckled cheek.

"Thank you, love." He returned the smile, a happy twinkle in his eye. "And I wanted to give you your present before we head down to dinner."

"A present?" I smirked, watching him pull a small box from his sock drawer. "For me?"

He sat me down on the edge of the bed, handing me the perfectly wrapped gift. I wonder who he had help him wrap that. I carefully ripped off the paper and lifted the lid from the little box.

"George." I gasped as I lifted the dainty necklace from the box. It was a golden locket. Ornate detailing was engraved on the front, with 'G&L' carefully inscribed on the backside in a small cursive font. When I popped open the front, there was a moving photo of George and I inside. Both of us were laughing hysterically in the sitting room of the Burrow, big smiles on our faces. "I love it so much...but this must've cost you a fortune." I felt a twinge of guilt. Yes the shop was doing phenomenally, but they hadn't been open for long at all.

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