Chapter 16

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As soon as the New Year arrives, the twin's end up spending more time planning their prank and I spend more time in the library at the long, wooden table in the middle of the room, close to Hermione, Ron and Harry when term started back up again but in my free time, I would be studying in the Quidditch stands whilst the Gryffindor team practice. The twins and I walk back to the common room, tired and wet. As soon as we get to the stairs, my legs begin to ache and I groan in pain. "Ow," I moan.

"Lily? What's wrong?" Fred asks in worry, turning around to face me.

"My legs. They hurt," I breathe out but before I can do anything, Fred's picked me up in his arms and I smile at him. "There you go. Now you won't be in pain anymore," Fred tells me, looking at me before looking up at George. "Come on, George. To the common room."

The boys begin to walk up the stairs and I wrap one of my arms around Fred to keep myself upright and my head rests on his shoulder. Fred looks down at me in worry as he walks to the common room with me in his arms.

As soon as we get the common room, Fred and George begin to walk up the stairs to the boy's dormitories but we don't even get halfway up the stairs when I hear someone yell

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As soon as we get the common room, Fred and George begin to walk up the stairs to the boy's dormitories but we don't even get halfway up the stairs when I hear someone yell. "Fred! George! What're you doing with Lily?" a familiar voice asks. Fred turns around on the stairs to see Angelina and Lee stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Her legs hurt on the way back here from the Quidditch pitch. She didn't think she would be able to get back here so I carried her back," Fred explains as my had rests on Fred's shoulder.

"Um. Well, okay," Angelina tells us confused. "Just, take her up to your room and I'll bring up some clean clothes for her sleep in."

Fred and George both nod their heads before walking up the stairs. They walk into their room before Fred places me on his bed and turning to George and talking to him. I don't exactly remember what they were talking about but the next thing I know is that someone is shaking me awake. "Lily, wake up. Wake up, lily. You need to get out of those clothes," I hear someone whisper to me. My eyes slowly open and I see quite a blurry Fred kneeling next to me. "What's the time?" I ask him.

"Half-past eight. George and I let you sleep but you're shivering, Lils. You need to get out of those clothes," he tells me and I not my head, closing my eyes and smiling.

"Okay. Can you leave so I can change?" I ask him.

"Of course. Your clothes are on George's bed," he tells me before leaving the room. I sit up on the bed, shivering before walking over to George's bed and getting changed. Walking back over to Fred's bed, I lay back down before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep again.

Fred's P.O.V:

I walk back into our dormitories after about half an hour to find Lily back asleep on my bed but this time, she's in her pyjamas. I smile down at her before walking over to my bed, kneeling, and moving some hair from her face. I kiss her forehead before standing up again and walking out of the room and back down to the common room and sit at the table in the corner with George and Lee. "She's asleep. She passed out on my bed after changing out of her clothes," I tell them.

"So, where are you gonna sleep tonight?" Lee asks me before I sigh, shaking my head.

"I haven't thought about that. I've only been thinking about how Lily is. I mean, she's never like this," I worry.

"Ohhh. Sound like someone's got a crush on Lily," George teases.

"Oh, shut up," I scoff.

"Fred and Lily sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G," Lee teases, leaning closer to me but I push him away.

"Oh, shove off. Both of you. We've talked about this before. Nothing will, nor ever happen with Lily," I begin but the boys just start making kissing faces at me, rolling my eyes, I get back up and walk back to the dormitories.

Walking back over to my bed, I find Lily laying there, her red hair all over her face, the cover covering half of her body, her arms under the pillows with the side of her head resting up against the side of it.

I sigh, changing into my pyjamas before moving Lily slightly so I could get into bed and laying down. I wrap my arms around her waist so she doesn't fall off the bed, pulling the duvet up, I close my eyes, resting my head on the pillow. Before I could fall asleep though, I feel Lily moving around so I open my eyes slightly and see her turned the other way. Her face now nuzzled into my chest and her arms snaked around me. I smile down at her slightly, wrapping my arms around her again before drifting off to sleep again.


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated this book in a while. I've just been busy with school and wanting to finish Through the Stars¹. But, now I'm back and ready to write some more.

However, I would just like to rant about something. Why the hell do teachers want to give us homework during the holidays? I mean, I get that we have missed like five months of school, nearly six, but that still doesn't mean that they have to punish us by making us do work during our relaxing period. I mean, do they like marking work or something? Do they have nothing better to do? Do they really have to torture us so much? I mean, how much stress do fifteen to sixteen-year-olds need at this age. I'm certainly getting as stressed as my mother is before Christmas and that's not a good sign.

Rant over. Sorry about that. It's just that I want to see your opinions on teachers setting homework over holidays.

Like, comment and please recommend my story for others to read. That would be amazing if you did.

Hope you all enjoyed it. Bye

Natasha Privett

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