Chapter 40

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To say the summer flew by for Lily is an understatement

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To say the summer flew by for Lily is an understatement. It seems to be a lot faster this year than any other year, however, the one highlight of it was when she got two letters from Hogwarts. One being her normal letter to Hogwarts with the book list and the ticket for platform nine and three-quarters, but the second one was a letter and a red prefect badge. She found out she was prefect that day, causing her to jump around her house for about an hour.

Lily walks around Diagon Alley with a few books that she has tucked under her arm, that she has bought. She begins walking back to the Leaky Cauldron to put all her books back into her trunk as she's staying at the Leaky Cauldron for the night as she wants to spend some time with Fred and George before the beginning of the school year and she couldn't exactly hang out with them over the summer as they were over in Egypt visiting Bill, where he is working at the moment.

Walking out of her room after checking that she has everything she needs for school, she heads down to the pub part of the Leaky Cauldron to find Mr Weasley sat at the bar with Harry, Ron and Hermione as Mrs Weasley enters the bar, laden with shopping bags and followed by Fred and George, Percy, the newly elected Head Boy, and Ginny. Walking down the stairs, Lily heads over to the Weasleys, her younger brother and the Granger girl, whose hair had gotten less poofy over the summer. "Second Head Boy in the family!" Lily hears Mrs Weasley say, swelling with pride. Lily sees Fred mutter under his breath but she doesn't catch it before Mrs Weasley barks back saying, "I don't doubt that." before frowning. "I notice they haven't made you two prefects."

"What do we want to be prefects for?" George asks, looking revolted by the very idea before noticing me. "It'd take all the fun out of life. Besides, it looks as if Lily has become a prefect."

"You want to set a better example for your sister!" Mrs Weasley snaps at the two, not even noticing what George says at the end.

"Ginny's got other brothers to set an example, mother." Percy tells her as I stand behind the crowd of Weasley's. "I'm going up to change for dinner..." Percy says before beginning to walk off but he notices me and the gleaming bright red badge attached to my jumper. "Lily. Glad to see you made prefect. I'm gonna expect great things from you." he tells her, making Lily slightly confused before shaking it off and turning back to the Weasley's who have just noticed her. "Lily. Dear. How were your holidays?" Mrs Weasley asks her.

"Pretty boring. Finished the homework in a week. Made the female prefect for Gryffindor house. Helped Remus out around the house a bit." she tells her.

"Prefect? Oh, that's wonderful dear." Mrs Weasley tells her, slightly shocked with a small smile on her face before pulling Lily in for a hug and when Lily is let go and everyone gives her a small congratulations.

Dinner tonight is a very enjoyable affair. Tom the innkeeper puts three tables together in the parlour, and the seven Weasleys, Harry, Hermione and Lily eat their way through five delicious courses. "How're we getting to King's Cross tomorrow, Dad?" Fred asks his father as they all dig into a sumptuous chocolate pudding. "The Ministry's providing a couple of cars." Mr Weasley informs the lot of them, causing everyone to look up at him in either shock or confusion. "Why?" Percy asks curiously.

"It's because of you, Perce." George tells him. "And's there'll be little flags on the hoods, with HB on them –"

"- for Humongous Bighead." Fred finishes before Lily smacks the twins around the back of the head as everyone except for Percy and Mrs Weasley snort into their pudding. "Oi. Be nice." Lily scolds the twins.

"Why is the Ministry providing cars, Father?" Percy asks again.

"Well, as we haven't got one anymore." Mr Weasley begins. "And as I work there, they're doing me a favour..."

His voice is casual, but Lily can't help but notice that Mr Weasley's ears have gone red. "Good thing, too." says Mrs Weasley briskly. "Do you realise how much luggage you've all got between you? A nice sight you'd be on the Muggle Underground... You are all packed, aren't you?" Mrs Weasley asks.

"Ron hasn't put all his new things in his trunk yet." Percy points out in a long-suffering voice. "He's dumped them on my bed."

"You'd better go and pack properly, Ron, because we won't have much time in the morning." Mrs Weasley calls down the table, causing Ron to scowl at Percy.

After dinner, everyone feels very full and asleep. One by one they all make their way upstairs to their rooms to check their things for the next day. Fred and George are right next to Lily so as soon as Lily falls onto her bed in exhaustion, the door flings open and the twins burst into her room, causing her to groan. "Oh, for the love of Merlin. What do you want now?" she asks the twins. She gets snappy and annoyed when she's tired and it's not a good thing to mix it with a person who has grown up in a house near or around Scotland all of her life. "Guess what we've just nicked?" George asks as Lily sits up on her bed. "Percy's Head Boy badge." he finishes causing her to groan.

"Oh, for the love of Godric. I'm getting sick of this. I'm tired and annoyed so whatever you're about to do, go and do it somewhere else and don't get me involved. I don't want any apart of it." she complains before pushing the twins out of her room before getting herself changed into a nightdress before falling into bed and drifting off to sleep. And she knows that she normally reads to get herself to sleep but she is extremely tired as she's been awake since four in the morning because she had a lot of shit to do but she can't be fucked to read tonight so she just drifts off peacefully, having the same dream that she has had since she had been petrified.

 And she knows that she normally reads to get herself to sleep but she is extremely tired as she's been awake since four in the morning because she had a lot of shit to do but she can't be fucked to read tonight so she just drifts off peacefully, ...

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